flashback 0.2

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(This is going to be a childhood flashback for Jungkook because I feel like the fluff he really is should be shown, before I show the bad things he did)

A small whine escaped the raven haired boy's lips as he waited patiently like he was told to.

He was excited.

Because he was going to be a big brother!!

Jungkook was 8, and his Appa finally told him that he had a little baby brother who was a 1 year old now.

And they finally decided to let him see him. Which got him even more excited.

Although, he saw that his eomma wasn't happy about the whole situation.

Jungkook didn't care that he as two eommas now since he just wanted to meet the new person that he would get to play with.

He always hated being alone and he never really was close to either of his parents so when the news came upon him, he did his best to get everything ready.

The little baby was going to sleep with him in the little crib that they got for him.
He was sharing everything he had with the baby and he didn't mind.

But what seemed to have him worried was his eomma.
Ever since they agreed to let the new family members live with them, she's gotten worse with her attitude and personality.

"E-Eomma? What's wrong?" He asked as he was sitting at the staircase, waiting for the baby and his new other eomma to come.

She just scoffed and walked away, just when the door opened.
Jungkook's eyes scanned the two new people that walked in, noticing how anxious the young women seemed to be.

"Hi!! Eomma!! My name is Jungkook but you can call me Kookie.. Appa told me that you were coming so I'll show you the new room that you'll be sleeping in." He smiled his cute bunny smile as he hurried over to help with the suitcases and bags.

The women watched how he was helping and couldn't help to admire how kind he was.
She knew that his Appa only married her to keep his reputation safe.

But she knew Jungkook thought otherwise since he seemed so little.
His eyes were so innocent and warm, a feeling she liked now.

"Thank you Kookie. You really don't have to help me." Her soft voice reassured but he shook his head as he looked up at her.

"Appa told me that I have to be a gentleman if I can be allowed to go to a public school. I want to make friends and have fun but eomma keeps me in the house with a tutor." He admitted as he started to walk to the new room that had been done for her.

She was shocked to hear that, feeling a bit of sympathy for him as she started to follow the new boy she was going to call her son.
She already liked how he was. Very different from his Appa.

When the door opened, she was amazed at how gorgeous and beautifully designed it was made.
All her favorite interests and styles were there but she didn't fail to notice one thing.

She saw how Jungkook occasionally glanced at her sleeping son, which is also his new brother.
"Jungkook.. where is Yugyeom going to sleep? I don't see a crib here for him.." she asked as Jungkook smiled even more, if it was even possible.

He let out a small gasp as if he didn't know but giggled a bit.
"Baby is going to sleep with his big brother. I want to get to be closer with him now that I know he's my brother." He insisted as she just nodded. A bit perplexed.

He placed her bags down and sat on the bed, looking at the baby in her arms.
His eyes blinked a bit so he wouldn't miss a single second.

"Do you want to hold him?" She asked as his brown eyes widened at the question.
He hesitated but nodded as he opened his arms to cradle the little one.

"How old are you Kookie?" She asked as she gently placed the baby in his arms, watching how excited and curious he was as the baby started to squirm a bit.

"I'm only 8 years, 5 months, 90 days, and I don't know how many minutes old." He said proudly as he looked down to realize that the baby's cute brown eyes were looking up at him.

"H-Hi Yugyeom.. my name is Kookie.. I'm your new big brother! I can be a bit loud and weird at times but I promise that I'll play and help you when you need need me.. I was alone for a long time in this big house so I'm glad that I have someone to spend time with." He started to say as he kissed his forehead.

He earned a happy giggle and gurgle noise to escape the baby's little pink lips.
Which just caused him to smile and fawn over him even more.

The door opened and Jungkook's real eomma came in, staring at the scene that displayed in front of her eyes.
"Eomma!! Look!! My new baby brother is cute! He's so chubby with pretty brown eyes like mine!" He said excitedly as she walked over.

She glared at the child and looked up at the baby's eomma, frowning even more as she walked up to her.
"Just because you brought my child happiness does not mean that I will admit you to be apart of this family. He only married you out of pity." She spat out as Jungkook watched the older women bicker.

Yugyeom started to cry when he saw his eomma's face get all sad.
Which caused Jungkook to get up and rock him a bit, and it ended up with himself getting a slap from his eomma.

"Do not get too attached to that child. He is not your brother and your not going to be." She hissed as Jungkook froze at the contact that happened.
Yugyeom kept crying even more when he saw the tears slip down Jungkook's face.

"E-Eomma.. why did you hit me.. Appa told me that your not suppose to hit me! This is why I hate you! I hate staying here! I'm happy because I finally have someone who cares!" He yelled out as he walked out with Yugyeom to his bedroom.

He sniffled as he sat down, watching how Yugyeom calmed down and was playing with the strings on his jacket.
He pouted a bit as he looked down at his brother.

He did grow attached already to the new family member.
He already felt happier since he had him in his arms.

Just seeing how the baby felt safe in his arms was enough to get him happier.

"Gyeomie.. I don't care what Eomma says. You're my baby brother no matter what. And I don't want to lose you now that I met you." He said softly as he laid down, having Yugyeom on his chest as the baby giggled and curiously played with whatever he can.

His heart fluttered and his expression was soft since he just felt at peace with the new family.

"Appa may not notice you a lot. And eomma doesn't seem to like you. But I like you!! A lot!! I don't know what love really is. But.. I think I love you too." He whispered as the baby was falling asleep again, next to him now as he cuddled the little one close.

"Night Gyeomie.. I love you. I don't think I do because I realized that. You're really making me happy. And I promise to keep you happy to." He whispered as he closed his eyes.

This was the day that Jungkook found out about love. He treasured it a lot but didn't always know how to express it. Especially if it was with his crush that he developed.

I advise that you do read the flashback chapters because they will reveal a lot of things and I am not going to say which ones are important (:

Because I noticed a lot of you skipped the first one and that's an important one.

You have been warned (:

Lmao. I'm going to do a Q&A soon once I reach around 15 chapters. Or 20.
That way you guys can get the juicy content you've been thinking of (;

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