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Jungkook's POV:
I'm nervous.
I'm really nervous actually.
Like my heart is about to explode out of my chest and I'm going to cry.
Well not literally but you get what I mean of course.

Kim Seokjin.
My angel.
My love.
My boyfriend for almost 1 year and some months..
I knew it was now or never.

I love him.
I fucking adore him.
The way his eyes crinkle up when he laughs.
His laugh itself is so.. unique.
His smile when he's so happy.
The way he pouts when he's hungry.
His body is so downright gorgeous.

This is the definition of someone who is
World Wide Handsome.
He really is taking my heart away as each step goes by.

Our adorable baby boy.
My angel who blabbers so much and teaches me his ways.
I now know where babies come from.
They come from kisses that I give my boyfriend.

If you want that lesson, you can always give Jimin a call and he'll teach you.

The way he cares so much about the people around him blows me away.
His smiles that get so big that it makes his cute eyes close.
His giggles when he sees something adorable or just funny.
They are like little cute bells twinkling about.

Our mochi is precious.
And I'll do anything to make it up for not being there with him for the first years of his life.

I talked about this with Hoseok before and he seems to be thrilled.
He made sure everything was perfect.
Or at least.. he tried.

But I think he arranged this to be for Taehyung and not for my Jinnie..
But I don't know either.

My phone starts buzzing and I glance at the screen.
A smile breaks on my face.

"Hey big bro! The plan is going smooth!! BamBam and I finished what we had to do!!"
-"thanks Gyeomie.. I swear. Do you know how much I love and appreciate you?"
"You only say cheesy stuff like that when your really nervous Hyung.. it'll be fine."
-"I know I know.. thanks again little brother."
"Anytime. See you later."

My breath stopped breathing for a second as I realized that.. this is it.
This is the moment that I've been waiting for.
I dreamed about this since highschool and it's actually coming true.

"I love you so damn muck Kim Seokjin." I mumbled to myself as I looked at the mirror.
The way my hair was looking good as I wore my black suit smoothly.
I loved it.
And it just gives me more confidence.

"Okay." I mumbled as I held the box closely to me.
Deep breaths escaped as I wanted to be as calm as I can be while I do this.
My baby just things that were going to do a family dinner with the boys... but little does he know the truth.

I walked out of the room, going to wait in the dining area as I waited for my love and child to come back from shopping or something that they were doing.

You know what I found adorable.
The fact that I made sure Jimin was wearing a tuxedo to match like his daddy.
And I just know that he's going to be happy to see that he's a "big" boy now.

The small chit chatter started to come as I braced myself for this.
The footsteps coming closer and closer as I took a deep breath, trying to relax as I heard a squeal.

"Daddy!!" My baby boy came running to me as soon as I saw that I was there, giggles escaping as I picked him up and twirled my little boy.
"Hey Jiminie.. daddy missed you so so much.." I chuckled as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

He giggled out, before looking at me, tilting his head cutely when he noticed something..
"Daddy!! Me and you have matching tuxies!" He squealed out as I chuckled, kissing his button nose.

"I know baby I know.. I can see that cutie." I said softly as he giggled more, holding onto me as Jin finally walked in.

Ah. There's so much to take in.
The fact that the sweater he wore was wrapped around his body so snug and fit him so well.
The way his hair was a mess as it was all over the place.

The confused look he had on his face as he saw how we both were and was slowly trying to figure things out.
"Cmon baby.. we got to eat so go get changed. Hoseok and Taehyung are waiting for us." I reminded him as he slowly nodded, walking off as I smiled.

"Daddy.. why do we look nice?" The little mochi asked as I looked back at him.
"Because.. we have to do a big surprise for daddy." I whispered as his little eyes lit up, getting more curious.

"Really?" He asked as I nodded, kissing his cheeks before getting things to get ready.

Namjoon was also coming along and he was bringing his lover as well.
According to Yugyeom, he knows who it is because it's his own boyfriend's older brother.

"Babe are you ready!" I called out as I started to get nervous from what I was going to do soon.
I have to do this.
I just have to.

And there he came.
Looking like a damn 5 course meal.
The way the black pants hugged his thick thighs.
The way the shirt was wrapped around his belly so gently.
The coat covering his broad shoulders so warmly.

His lips were coated with a light pink tint and his hair was combed nicely.
Either way... he still looked nice regardless of what he could've worn.

I love this man with everything .

We all got in the car and I started to drive towards the destination, a smile on my face as I interlocked our fingers.
A small blush coating his cheeks as he tried his best not to gaze at me but I caught his small looks every now and then.

This night.
Was going to be the best night of my life.

It's been awhile since I last updated but it's just been really chaotic!!

This week is the biggest thing ever and after it ends, ill be free to do anything.

I'm sorry that I haven't updated much but I'm also writing chapters for my other works.
This is the start of the proposal chapter so get ready for a good long next chapter.

College classes have been decent and band has been.. sad and chaotic.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this and I am taking requests.

Anything you guys want as an extra fun chapter, leave your comments here ⬇️

I love all the support and comments you guys leave me and this book was just for fun but it's grown to be popular lately.
I appreciate it a lot.
17k views was unexpected tbh and I can't wait for the sequel to start.

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