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Seokjin's POV:
I just sat there.
I didn't know what to think or what to say.
I know Namjoon was giving me space and he even took Jimin out to get lunch.

And I'm alone in the office.
My mind was going crazy as it started to recollect the bits of he past that I wanted to forget.

I didn't want to remember him anymore.
His name is toxic to say and he certainly doesn't need to find out about Jimin.

Jimin is MY little prince and he's my angel. He's not going to have Jungkook as a dad. I don't want to accept that.

But I have to admit.
He didn't do anything to hurt Jimin when he found him and he even tried to help him find me.

He didn't have to do that yet he did.
I groaned as my head came into contact with the desk.

I didn't want to cry anymore but I felt like a huge knot was building up in my chest because I felt all sorts of emotions.

It was NOT a good thing and I knew I had to calm myself down or else I was going to break again.

By breaking. I mean either have an anxiety attack or just mental breakdown that will take a big toll on me.

It happened when the bad things started and I had to go to therapy for two whole years.
And I'm still on small medication because their afraid of me getting depressed.

My eyes wandered to the door as I waited for my loving boyfriend and baby boy to walk in.
But so far.
They haven't?

That's rare. It's rare when Namjoon doesn't come in 15 minutes.
He never comes too late in the hour and he usually comes back fast because he doesn't like leaving me alone.

I guess he really is trying to give me space.
Should I be worried? Yes. I think I should.

Why? Because he probably doesn't love you. Not anymore because of him. Jungkook.

Why wouldn't he love me? Jungkook is there and he knows that something is going to happen. So he wants to leave now. He's probably going to take Jimin away.

He wouldn't take Jimin. He wouldn't! Are you sure about that. Think about it. Think about how close Jimin is to him. He can easily persuade a three year old.

My eyes welled up with tears and I stood up, walking out as I just tried to ignore my stupid thoughts.
Namjoon wouldn't take my happiness away.
He's also my happiness.

I looked around the building for any sign of the two of them but didn't find any.

"Oh! Chanyeol! Baekhyun! Have you seen Namjoon? He hasn't come back yet.. and I'm getting worried. He took Jimin with him." I asked as both boys shook there head.

I pouted a bit and just thanked them before walking around a bit more. A small worried look was on my face and I wasn't really focused on where I was going.

I smacked right into someone back, groaning at the impact as I rubbed my throbbing nose.

"S-Sorry.. I didn't mean to bump into you." I muffled out as I looked up, meeting eye contact to the same person from earlier.


I stood there frozen.
He didn't seem upset though.
His face for some reason showed regret. Remorse maybe. Like if he did something.

Well I mean. He did a lot of things by now that I wasn't even surprised at this point.

His eyes softened when he saw me. His hand started to stretch out and I flinched as soon as it landed on my cheek.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now