flashback 1.1

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cute fluffy chapter of our mochi because this was supposed to be released on his birthday and I forgot to do that.

"Daddy.. is baby Yoongi going to get big one day?" The blonde asked as he stared at the little human on the bed.
His eyes flickered whenever a little movement was made.
It was adorable.

Seokjin fell in love with the growing friendship that was blossoming.
The way Jimin adores and cared for Yoongi so much.
The way he cherishes each moment he seems to be with the baby.

The second he mentions Yoongi, Jimin starts bouncing and screaming "I'm gonna see my bestest fwiend!"
Jungkook seemed to notice how close Jimin is wanting to get with the baby whenever they go over.. and it's heartwarming.

Today is their baby boy's birthday. So why not spend it with someone that he loves a lot.
And of course.. that someone was a baby named Jung Yoongi.

Jimin planned a whole play date for them to have, even though the little one was about to turn 6 months.
Never had there been a day that Jimin hasn't been around Yoongi.
Hoseok and Taehyung were starting their jobs soon and since the little babysitter seemed to know how to help them take care of their son.. they decided to leave Yoongi at the daycare Jimin goes to.

"Daddy.. did you bring the applesauce!! And the mashed potatoes!" Jimin asked as he pointed at Jungkook, hoping that nothing ruined the day.
I mean. It was his big day so he wanted his birthday to be the "bestest" one ever.

"Mhm.. Now.. go with daddy. He has a special surprise for you baby." He said softly as Jimin squealed at that.
Jin facepalmed since it was supposed to be a surprise for a reason.

"Okay.. cmon Minnie." Jin called out as he walked to their room, grabbing a box. A small smile on his face as he hoped his baby loved it.

The little waddled his way in, looking at the bed as Jin held the box firmly.
His nerves were kicking in and he hoped that it was going to be a good idea to do it now.

"Daddy. What's that?" He asked as he walked over to him, poking his thighs with a giggle.
The box was wrapped in cute yellow wrapping that had small stars on them.

"You're big surprise baby." Jin replied as Jimin crawled up onto the bed, looking at the box. His eyes scanned it for any clues but got nothing.
"Okay.. can I pwetty pwease open it?" He asked as Jungkook walked in, watching from the doorframe.

A deep breath escaped the male but he nodded, giving him the box as he smiled.
Jimin stares at his daddy with a confused look since he's never seen him so nervous. Or sweating either.

Slowly, the mochi started to open the present, giggling whenever it crinkled under his fingers.
His eyes scanned the box, seeing it was a baby blue color.
The words "Open Me" in big black letters as the mochi slowly started to slide the lid off.

Jungkook and Jin looked at each other as they waited for their sons reaction.
And sure enough.
A loud gasp escaped the blonde as he picked up the item.

"It's a pwetty yellow shirt!" He squealed as Jin laughed at that.
It wasn't important.. but the words were.
"Baby.. read your shirt. And there's more in the box.." He softly reminded.

Jimin tilted his head cutely as he tried to read the letters on his shirt.
"Bwig Bwother.. Daddy what does that mean?" The mochi asked as he tried to piece it together.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now