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Seokjin's POV:
It's been a few days since the incident with Jungkook's mother.
I learned about how she was and who she was exactly.

I also learned that she used to abuse Yugyeom which was why he had been crying that day.
Jungkook seemed to blame himself for not being there for his brother when he needed him.

But things seemed to have gone back to normal when Jungkook was reassured that she wouldn't dare come back.
Yugyeom was still a bit anxious but he slowly got back to being the happy bubbly kid he was.

Jimin was the one I worried about.
Ever since he encountered the lady. I noticed Jimin was scared to go anywhere now.
His small smile would at times never be on his face and that worried me.

She really did scare him. And I hated her for that.
My baby boy was always so curious and very outgoing. He loved meeting new people and doing things.
But now he stuck by either me or Jungkook and never left our sides.

Not even Yugyeom could get him to come out of his small shell that he had now.

"Baby.. what's wrong? Yugyeom wanted to take you out to play with BamBam.." I asked as Jimin sat on my lap, playing with my fingers.

"Scary lady is gonna come and eat me if I leave daddy's side." He pouted as he looked up at me, his bottom lip wobbling as I held him.

"No she isn't baby. I'm here and daddy is here and Uncle Gyeomie is going to be here always too.. Baby.. she's just. Mad. She didn't mean to scare you like that." I tried to reassure as he shook his head.

"No!! I saw Gyeomie with bad booboos! They are scary.. on his tummy he has a big one.. he said that scary lady did it to him.." He admitted as I sighed, hugging him closely.

Jungkook came into the living room, drying his hands with his shirt as he saw us bundled up in the sofa.
"What's wrong baby?" He asked Jimin as he walked over, sitting down as our blonde baby boy jumped onto Jungkook's lap.

"Daddy.. is that scary lady coming back? I no like her at all.." He asked as he held onto his shirt, his tiny hands bundling up.
"No baby.. she's not going to ever come back. I promise you that. How bout we go out tonight? I heard that there's a big festival in town tonight.." He asked as Jimin looked over at me for permission.

I looked back and just nodded a bit as I saw a big smile go on his face.
Oh how I missed seeing him happy.

"Okay Minnie.. go get yourself ready while I talk to daddy really quick." Jungkook hurried him as we watched him escape to the small room he had full of his clothes when he stayed over at Jungkook's house.

Yugyeom has grown very fond of him and insisted that they have a sleep over every Friday so that he can spend time with him all weekend long.

"So Jin.. It's been awhile since we've known each other. And I was wondering.." He voice trailed off as I looked at him, my brow raising a bit.

"Wondering what Jeon Jungkook?" I firmly said as he fidgeted in his seat, fiddling with his thumbs a bit.
"Ifyouwanttocounttonightasadate." He said it out in one quick breath as he looked away.

It took me awhile to realize what he had said, a blush creeping over my face I looked back at him.

"You want tonight to be a date?" I asked to make sure I heard what I thought I heard.
His head nodded to clarify what I asked which caused me to blush a bit.

He actually wanted to try to work us out.
But I still was scared to be around him.
Alone I mean.

He says he didn't mean to hurt me but I still don't know if I can trust what he said.
What if he was lying.
Or what if he is lying.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now