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Jungkook's POV:
I watched how Taehyung kept walking back and forth in the room, and Jimin was following him like a little duckling.

"Where's Hobi? Where is he Jungkook? He didn't come home last night.." He asked me while Jimin also looked at me with a little pout.

"Is Uncle Hobi Okay Daddy?" The little boy asked me as he walked over to me, hugging me on the couch as I sighed.
I didn't even know the answer to that and I was afraid to even answer it.

"Kookie.. Please.. Yoongi is kicking my stomach harder and harder each day which only means I'll go to labor soon and I need my partner to be there for me.." Taehyung said with a shaky voice, rubbing his hands on his stomach as he took deep breaths.

I hated seeing my best friend like this.
The way he was so worried and fear was in his eyes.
I hated seeing him almost break down.

"I'll find him right now. It'll be fine." I tried to reassure as Namjoon raised a brow at me.
Even he was doubting me but I had to try at least.

"I'll be back in a bit. Jimin baby.. be a good boy and listen to Uncle Joonie and Uncle TaeTae.." I rubbed his cheeks but my breath hitched when I saw his tears.

"N-No Daddy!! Please don't leave me to!! I pwomise to be the bestest boy ever so please don't leave me!! Don't leave me like daddy did.." He started to cry in my arms and I had to take a deep breath to calm down.

I know it was hard for him to understand the situation.
It was hard for me too but I was going to fix this.

"I won't baby.. I'm just going to go get us some breakfast okay?" I tried to relax him as I ran my hands through his hair, kissing his forehead.

Namjoon smiled a bit, pleased with how I was with Jimin.
"Cmon Minnie... Uncle TaeTae wanted to show us the baby's room.. you can help decorate it if you want to." The male called over the boy who waddled his way over.

I stood up, rubbing my hands together as I grabbed my jacket and placed my shoes on.
I didn't lie to Jimin but it was going to take awhile to get what we needed.

My footsteps were heavy as I forced myself to leave and walked out of the apartment.
It wasn't that far to go to the small cafe so I decided to get a cup of some coffee.

Just when I walked in, I saw him.
It had to be him.

The red head in front of me was my best friend.
It had to be him.
"Hoseok.. oh crap your face.."

It had bruises and his cheek was swollen badly, and his lip was split open.
It wasn't a very pretty sight at all and my chest tightened when I saw how badly he looked.

"You can't be here.. Suho.. Suho will get mad at me and punish him and me again.. please.. please leave.." His voice cracked and it was in agony.
This male was usually the one who annoyed me so much with how energetic and positive he was.

But this boy was not my usual bestie.
My ball of sunshine who became my very first friend when I went to school for the first time.

"No Hoseok.. Taehyung is suffering. One night without you and you weren't there to see how bad he was this morning. His face was red and puffy. His bright eyes were scared and worried. You have to come home.." I begged and informed as I shook my head.

My eyes went up when I saw the other person.
It's him.
I know it's him.

"Please Jungkook leave." Hoseok whispered as he saw where his gaze was.
He shook his head, his hoodie slipping a bit as he stood up with shaky legs.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now