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Seokjin's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my baby boy crying again.

His clothed fists rubbing against his face as he squirmed around in the crib he bought for him.

A small smile on my face as I walked over, gently picking him up.

"Jonghyun.. Aigoo.. My precious angel.. Why are you crying.." I mumbled to him as he stared at me with big brown eyes.

I smiled at him, causing a small gurgle to escape as he waved his arms around.

It's been the most sweetest two months of our lives.

Jimin adores the baby a lot but still teases him by saying that Yoonie is the cuter one.

Jungkook let out a small groan as he woke up, stretching as he walked sat up on our bed, looking over at us.

I can't wait..

Until we get married soon.

Our perfect family.

I found out that Namjoon got married to someone named Jackson Wang, and they also have a baby too.

His name is Kim Taemin, how cute!

I hope that all our kids grow up to be close.

I can't imagine that they would hate each other.

"Jin-ah.. come back to bed.. bring the baby so that we can cuddle.." My love mumbled out in such a heavenly deep voice as I chuckled.

"Fine... But don't start complaining if you get hungry and I don't have any breakfast made! And you're dealing with a grumpy Jimin when he realizes that I didn't make him food." I warned as I walked over, placing our baby boy in the middle.

Loud giggles escaped as Jungkook peppered his plump face with light kisses, squirming a little as he tried his best to move around.

His little arms failing around as he gurgled more.

I couldn't help but to stare, smiling at the scene before I joined, tickling Jungkook as payback to help avenge my baby boy.

"I'll save you! Daddy won't be able to attack you!" I laughed out loud as I sat on top of Jungkook, gazing at him with a small smile on my face as he chuckled back.

I adored Jungkook so much.

I'm glad that I have him in my life.

A lot has happened but here we are.

Still in love as before.

A whine escaped Jonghyun as he looked over at us, requesting our attention as I looked over, smiling.

"I know baby I know." I got off and cradled him in my arms, kissing his forehead as Jungkook hugged me from behind, kissing my exposed shoulder as I held onto him.

And our other baby boy, being a little grumpy came into the room, an adorable pout on his face as he gave us both a small death glare.

He tries his best to look scary but I can't ever find Jimin to be scary.

"Daddy... you didn't make me some nummy pancakies!" He whined as I looked over at Jungkook, raising a brow as I gave him a 'I told you so' look before gazing at our baby boy.

"I just woke up sweetie.. let me get breakfast started. Why don't you stay with daddy and play with Jonghyun.." I said softly as he waddled his way over to the bed.

A small smile on his face as he saw the little one, already making funny faces to see a gummy smile escape from him.

I placed the baby down and walked off to my safe haven.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now