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Seokjin's POV:
I can't stop him.
He's literally everywhere.
He won't stop.

What can I do...

"Jimin! When I count to three you better be on the couch or else!" I yelled out as I saw my baby boy running butt naked across the apartment.
He was excited.
Very excited.

Because Baby Yoongi was born last night and he has been pestering me all morning long to take him to see the baby.

Hoseok called last night while Jungkook was showering and Jimin was the one who answered.
It scared us half to death when he screamed so loud.
I thought something happened and it also didn't help that he was crying.

When we asked he kept saying his best friend was here and he wanted to see him.
This his best friend was crying for him.

The kid I swear.
Such a cutie.

"Jimin ah.. daddy said to sit down." Jungkook caught him in his arms so that I can dress him, small giggles erupting from the little ones lips.

"Daddy! Can I give baby Yoongi one of my Ryan plushies!! Joonie said I can give him the one he gave me when I was a baby!! That way he can have it to wemember me!" The little mochi exclaimed as wiggles around from my touch.

"Are you sure you want to give Yoongi that one? You always carry it around when daddy has to drop you off at day care.." I asked as he nodded.
"I'm a big boy! And Yoongi is my bestest friend ever! When I'm not there.. he can hold it and wemember that I'm always his friend! That way he won't get lonely."

Both me and Jungkook were taken by surprise at his sudden speech.
He really is such a smart toddler.
Our smart toddler.

"Oh!! Daddy Kookie helped me buy him a Kumamon! It's a blankie that has a hoodie so you can wear it!!" He squealed when Jungkook picked him up, giggling.

"Can we go now.. pwease." Jimin's eyes are a blessing and a curse.
He knows how to use his puppy eyes.
The way they get so glossy and big as he pouts to get something he wants.

And of course.
I always fall for it.

"Aish.. c'mon. Let's go!" I ruffled his hair while Jungkook chuckled, grabbing my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

These past couple of weeks had been rough for the two of us but were better now.
Hoseok and Taehyung decided to move closer to us and it was beneficial for our baby boy since he said he always missed them.

Yugyeom was a mess when he heard what happened to us and what almost happened to his little nephew.
He wasn't getting off of Jimin for awhile which I understand.

Also because he kept saying he was jealous when Jimin said that 'Uncle TaeTae and Uncle Hobi are his favorites uncles.'
They spoiled him rotten and Yugyeom feared that his spot would be taken permanently from the little one.

The hospital was a good 20-30 minute walk from where we lived so we decided to take a stroll through the city.
Jimin was the cutest little bean ever.

His overalls were cute, one strap always dangling off of a shoulder while his blonde hair was covered by a beanie.
His striped long sleeve shirt gave him the cutest little sleeve paws.
And his tiny backpack beamed with his happiness since he had so many keychains on there.

Jungkook noticed I was watching Jimin, smiling as he kissed my cheek.
I ended up being a flustered mess, playfully acting like I was mad as I poked his side.

"You know.. Jimin gets very excited when someone mentions a baby.. I mean. Look at him now.. He's ecstatic about Yoongi.." Jungkook trailed off when Jimin stopped to look at the park.

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