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Jungkook's POV:
My mind was still racing with what Hoseok had told me earlier on the phone.

'What does he mean. What did I do that I don't even know? What the hell is that suppose to mean to me?"

It just hurt my head to even think so hard about something so dumb. I probably just owe him money or something like that.
He probably wants to spoil Taehyung or something.

But it's dumb that he caused me. THE Jeon Jungkook to worry about something that can not be true.

I just grunted a bit and started to move the desk around since I didn't want to have it in the middle of the room.
I pressed it against the wall and had my chair move towards it as well.

"This looks like a good place.." I mumbled as I started to try and decorate the room as best as I can.

I grabbed a post it and made a small list on what to get and do:
try getting someone to paint the room a good dull black color for me.
•get some plants to SPICE this room up a bit since my window view is a bunch of crusty old building.
•Some gray curtains and a good gray carpet because I want it to look like my bedroom in way.
•Oohh~ A couch could be a good place to "sleep" when I can.
•A speaker because I need music to help my poor soul.

I was pleased with what I wrote as I placed it in my wallet to make a mental note to do it as soon as possible.

My eyes looked around the room as I just felt like I would enjoy it here a bit more.
It was a bigger room than I was used to so it made things better for me.

"I just need to make sure I don't screw my job up and do everything as soon as I get the work." I mumbled as I walked to the desk and started up the computer.

It wasn't an old software so that helped me know that I can download some games on it later.

I still had him on my mind. I felt like his crying face was enough to make me want to hug him into my own arms.

His boyfriend is lucky. That's for sure. He was pretty dang handsome from what I saw.

He looks really young and yet he has a kid?
I didn't assume him to be the dumb type to have unprotected sex.

'I'm guessing that his boyfriend is the one that knocked him up. I bet he's only with him just cause of the kid.'

I chuckled at the thought and then clenched my fists.
It was guys like those who I despised a lot.

Well because my father is one of those guys.
He knocked up my step-mother and she is his second wife now.

I'm not mad at my step-mother. Thanks to here I have a little brother.

His names Yugyeom. A good kid. He's barely 13 right now and he's never once asked me why he has two moms.
He just knows that I'm his older brother and I'd do anything to protect my baby brother.

A small smile had lingered onto my lips until I heard a sudden faint knock on my door.
My eyes looked over and I saw who had interrupted my happy thoughts.

"Sorry to disturb you. My name's Chanyeol. The boss told me that you already have some paperwork to just look over and you can go home." A male that looks a bit shorter than me acknowledged as he looked a bit nervous.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now