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Jungkook's POV:
I was upset.
Not at Jin or Hoseok of course.
Their my best friends and I understand why my own boyfriend was afraid.

He thought I'd react differently if he ever told me about Hoseok's dark secret.
He's my very first friend and my best friend so why would I get mad?
Do I really have a bad temper?

Anyways.. I was panicking as soon as Jin confessed what happened.
It explains so much to me and why Taehyung said that Hoseok was constantly puking nowadays.

My baby wouldn't want to get Hoseok upset about the scenario so I understand why he kept it to himself.
But I just added up to the stress and sadness he was developing inside of him.

The second Jin gave me permission to see him. I ran.
I ran out for my life to go check on him.
He can literally be killing himself because of this.

"Fuck Hoseok.. if you needed my help. You know that I'd always be here for you.." I mumbled to myself as I drove to their apartment complex.
My eyes scanned the complex as I was still a bit scared and unsure of my surroundings after the whole situation that had occurred.

I never have felt safe ever since then.
I always worried about all of us.
I feel like I have to protect all of my family.

My family consisted of:
my sweet angel Jin and baby boy Minnie.
Hobi and TaeTae and the baby.

Only the 6 of us.
Namjoon.. can take care of himself so why worry.

My mind was a mess but I just walked right up to their floor, knocking on the door as I waited.
The second the door opened, I was met with a crying Taehyung.

"Taehyung.. hey.. what's wrong? Tae.." I embraced him, trying to calm him down as he just shook his head.
The baby was sleeping in his little cot so I knew it wasn't because of Yoongi.

Then I realized how quiet it was.
"Where's Hoseok?" I asked as I pulled him away, seeing just the state of mind he was in.

"He's gone Kookie! H-He left me and Yoongi!" He screamed out as my blood ran cold.
It was some sick joke wasn't it?

"What do you mean?" I asked as I slowly pulled him towards the couch, looking at the cot as the baby started to stir.
"He's gone.. h-he said he was going to get some milk for Yoongi but he hasn't come back.. for three whole fucking days Kookie!" Taehyung started to cry again, shaking as I felt myself start to panic as well.

"No way.. he wouldn't leave.. you know how madly in love he was with you. You make him the happiest person ever Tae. Hobi would die for you and he would protect you so much. He would've left you the second you found out you were pregnant if he didn't care. He cried so hard on my shoulder the day you said yes to him. He was so happy. The biggest smile on his face as he cried.
He loves Yoongi so much too. You saw how happy he was." I reminded him as he stopped talking nonsense, shaking still.

I licked my lips, looking around the apartment as I shook my head.
It wasn't a Hoseok thing to do at all.
He would never leave him.
I know my best friend.

Yoongi started to cry, so Taehyung stood up to comfort his child while I dialed his number.

It was ringing so that meant he still was using it.
But where is he?
My mind was racing as I tried to think of a place where Hoseok would go to if he was stressed.

I'm an idiot.
"I'll be back Tae!" I yelled out as I ran out.

I knew where I had to go.
It's just a Hobi place to go to.

Taehyung's POV:
My head was throbbing.
My chest was hurting.
And my heart was breaking.

Ever since Suho abused my sunshine..
He's been so scared of any little thing.
A single touch sends him to a spiraling sobbing mess.

I walked in to him puking his guts out and it scared the hell out of me.
He was so pale and the way he kept crying as it happened.

I'm no idiot.
I know what was happening to him.
But I knew that I can't blurt it out to him.

Ever since then, he's been trying his best to avoid me.
The way he looked at me was of fear and disgust.
I know it's not towards me but it still takes a toll to me.

Not getting a single word from him as I call his name.
The way he pushes me away when I try to hug him.
I can't even be in the same room without him starting to shake uncontrollably.

I feel like Yoongi could understand what I say to myself.
He's almost around 2 months but he stares at me whenever I break down.
As if he wants to try to get my attention but he's just not able to.

He knows when I'm about to cry.
And it makes me smile when he randomly smiles an adorable gummy one.
Just to make me happy.
As if he knows.

My eyes welled up with tears again as I held my son close.
Praying so hard that Jungkook finds him.

"Jung Hoseok.. I love you so much.. please come back.. please don't leave me.. please.." I whispered out as I curled up into a ball, trying to make Yoongi sleep in our bed.

My angel.
My sweetheart.
My first love.
My future husband.
My baby's daddy.
But most importantly.

My sunshine.

He had so many happy titles and he gave me the best memories I can ask for.
He was the reason I escaped from my own family.

He gave me a better life the second I met him and Jungkook.
Their my family.
Jung Hoseok is my sweet savior.

He's my smile when I'm sad.
He's my happiness when I'm upset.
He's my laugh when I'm worried.

So many things he did for me to just see me be the happiest person on this earth.
And I couldn't..
I couldn't protect him.
I couldn't make him smile.

"Jung Yoongi.. I'm sorry that your mommy is pathetic.. I'm sorry that you have to hear me cry so much.. I'm a horrible mommy.. ain't i? I can't even comfort you too much because I'm a mess as well huh.." I mumbled as sweet small snores escaped from him.

A blessing.
We made a blessing come to the two of us.

The little human being beside me is ours.
His cute nose is Hobi's while he had my cute pouty lips.
When he opens them it has my curious look and yet it had Hobi's warm gaze.

His giggles were the best to hear.
Hobi would kiss his tummy to hear them and Yoongi loved it.

Now here he was.
Cheeks dusted a small pink color and his pacifier slowly bobbing as slept.

His small wavy hair protecting his head as it was a mess.
"You're a cutie.. I love you." He whispered to him as he slowly fell asleep as well.

The angst. Hurts me.

But I feel way better!
Doctors said I just got a terrible case of a cold and I was super dehydrated.
Plus my anxiety attacks got to me.

But after a whole weekend of rest I got better.
And lots of medicine.

I appreciate all of your love and support!
You all are the best (,:

Ps. I made a YouTube account and I'm posting my first dance cover in a week (: good luck to me lmao

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