flashback 0.4

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(Cute VHope chapter before I get to the bad chapter ; or at least a part of it )

The red head at the time was bored, watching the time as he smiled had a particular person in mind.
He liked this brunette you see.

This person caught his eye. The literal second he saw him. He knew that he was the one.
Because he literally introduced himself to the class in such gibberish that only Hoseok thought was cute and weird.

He liked weird. I mean.. who doesn't?
Oh yeah. The idiots at his school.

Hoseok was a goofball so he naturally felt attracted to be friends with this.. Taehyung person.

"Jungkook!!" He yelled out as he ran to the others locker, so excited to tell him about the new kid.
To his surprise. The new kid was already there.

"Hey Hobi.. meet my science lab partner Taehyung." Jungkook said softly, pointing at the box smiled boy.
Hoseok couldn't help but blush a bit, seeing him up close and seeing how much more cuter he actually looked.

It's like his mouth was filled with sand cause he couldn't seem to speak with his raspy scratchy tongue.
His eyes flicked down when he saw that the boy was staring at him now.

"Nice to meet you Hobi. You can call me TaeTae or Tae.. I hope we can be really good friends." The brunette said softly as he smiled again.

Jungkook noticed how Hoseok was behaving, occasionally glancing at Taehyung but just shrugged it off.

"Cmon. We should go get lunch." He reminded as he started to walk off, Hobi nodding and Taehyung following close to him.

"Kookie. Is it true?" Taehyung suddenly asked as Hoseok looked up to see the two interact.
His heart broke a bit because he saw a look that he had in his eyes.

It's like. A look you get when someone peaks your interests and your slowly falling.
In love.

'I guess. Jungkook has this one. I'll just.. wait again. Every guy likes Jungkook.' Hoseok thought as he smiled a bit to himself to pretend he was okay.

Ever since Jungkook came out gay. Every guy has admitted to liking him.
Leaving Hoseok to wonder when he'd get his chance to romance.

Hoseok would never regret being friends with Jungkook. Heck no. He'd kill himself if he ever lost Jungkook as his best friend.
It hurts at times when people just want to use him to get close to Jungkook but it made him realize that he's special to Jungkook.

Ever since they first met when Jungkook transferred to their school, he knew that Kook was lonely.
And being the sunshine of the whole damn world.
He made it his goal to make him smile every day and he succeeded.

But he was surprised when Jungkook called him his only best friend.
It made him happy to be given that title and he never abused it.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and nodded as he walked again, but not before seeing Hoseok's torn expression.
His heart broke a bit to know that his best friend seemed upset or sad and he couldn't figure out exactly why.

Hoseok stayed a bit behind, letting the two talk amongst themselves as he looked down.
The smile never left his face though.

'Can't I be loved too.. can't someone want to love me as much as love them? I guess I'm nobody's favorite or anything really.' He thought to himself as he kicked at the ground with his red converse.
(I put this here cause.. I've seen how cruel some ARMY are to Hobi and I remember the video when he was looking at the fanmail and nobody sent him anything. And he said it was okay. That he'll keep making us happy. And my heart broke. HOSEOK HAS BEEN MY BIAS SINCE THEY DEBUTED. and people are shocked by that cause they always say that I must be joking. Like why would I like him? I love how Hobi is and I love how cute he is! He's so fixated on making people happy. He needs appreciation too.)

Jungkook stopped and looked behind him, seeing the glum mood that Hoseok was in.
Taehyung noticed it as well but didn't think of anything since he barely met the male.

"Hoseokie.. what's wrong?" Jungkook asked as he said the pet name he used to call the other when they were younger.

He finally pieced some things together and realized that Hoseok must think that Taehyung liked him.
But that wasn't true.

Taehyung was sitting next to Jungkook, biting on his bottom lip as he smiled a bit.
"J.H plus K.T? What does that mean Tae?" He asked as he raised a brow.

Taehyung blushed deeply as he was caught, placing the piece of paper in his journal.
"N-Nothing.." he shyly mumbled as he looked down.

"Who's J.H?" He asked this time as Taehyung looked at him before looking down again.
"T-This cute guy I met in class. Well.. I didn't really meet him but when I walked in. He gave me a smile. And he was the only one who seemed nice there." He admitted as he fiddled with his thumbs.

"His name is Jung Hoseok.. I think I'm a sucker who does fall in love at first sight." He admitted.
Jungkook's eyes widened when he heard the name.

His bestfriend. Has a crush. And he didn't know yet.
"Well. Maybe I can talk to him about you and see what's up. He's gay too by the way. Just never has had an actual boyfriend." He slowly said as he watched Taehyung's eyes widened in excitement.

"Really!! Oh thank you Kookie!!" He hugged the other happily as he smiled, already thinking of all the possibilities.

When it was lunch time. He wanted to see how he acted around Taehyung to help the other relax around him.
But he didn't realize that he was going to make the situation a bit awkward.

When Taehyung asked if it was true. He meant if his feelings for him were almost at the same level which is why he nodded.

But seeing how distraught Hoseok was made him feel pathetic to forget that he was used to being the second or not even a choice at all.

"Hobi.. why don't you and Tae go get lunch. I forgot I have to turn in a project. I'll be there in a bit." Jungkook said softly as Hoseok looked up, earning a wink from Jungkook.

Hoseok raises a brow but nodded as he walked with Taehyung, wondering what that was about.
He looked over at Tae and saw the blushed cheeks he had.

"Tae.. are you sick?" He asked as he stopped, resting his hand on the others forehead, which earned him a small squeak.
Hoseok didn't know how to react but he blushed as well.

"C-Cmon.. let's eat some slob. When I get my car. I promise I'll drive you to eat wherever you want for lunch." He said softly as Taehyung smiled at the other.

"Panda Express! I really love to eat there!" He suddenly blurted out which caused some stares but only made Hoseok smile.
"I really like to drink Sprite! And I have an obsession with hamburgers." Hoseok declared.

And with that.
The two started a romance to blossom without even knowing it was.

And Jungkook was watching from afar.
Smiling cause his bestfriend was happy.

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