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Seokjin's POV:
I don't know what's going on...
I honestly have some ideas but I could be wrong.
The way Jungkook is clutching onto my hand as if there's no tomorrow fears me.

He gave me one of his infamous cute bunny smiles and I adored it.
But it still felt so off.
And the fact that Jimin was wearing the same exact suit as him was also.. fishy.

I'm surprised that he loves it since last time I made him wear one. He almost ripped it off.
And I mean.
Literally rip it off.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I gazed out the window, a hand on my growing stomach as I felt queasy about everything.
It just got me anxious and I hated how badly my mind works with thoughts like these.

"Daddy... when is the mailman gonna bring home the baby?" Jimin suddenly asked as I couldn't help to crack a small smile.
"Soon baby.. he's coming all the way from the United States so it's going to take him awhile.. and he's gonna travel before seeing us." I randomly came up as my baby boy was stunned at that.

"Weally!! That's so cool daddy!!" He squealed as he looked at me, giggling so cutely.
Aish. This little one really makes me feel glad to have been able to maintain a good life.

Jungkook was humming a small song as I leaned against his arm, closing my eyes as we drove off to who knows where.
"You are the cause of my Euphoria.." He whispered close to my ear which just caused me to heat up.

He just chuckled as he kissed the back of my hand, adoring the way I smiled.
Jimin sat quietly after he got bored, swinging his little legs.

"Daddy.. is daddy having a party?" The little mochi asked now that he was curious as to why he was dressed up as well now.
"Sort of like that baby. Uncle TaeTae and Hobi wanted to have a dinner party and I said yes to it." Jungkook replied as he kept driving.

I tilted my head, not remembering that being said ever before.
Taehyung has a big mouth, so he would gossip any little thing he heard.
So why wouldn't he tell me about this dinner party?
I could've helped and cooked something downright amazing.

"Hmm... Did Taehyung cook everything?" I asked as I felt guilty I'm not partaking in it.

"No Jin.. he had someone cook for us and made sure it was the best thing ever. No fish is there. All meat and you're going to get your water.." Jungkook reassured as I raised a brow.

A small pout was evident on my face but I nodded, seeing the park in view.
Yet I saw nobody there.

Jimin must've been looking out the window too because he squealed when he saw his favorite place to be.
"Daddy!! Wanna play please!!" He begged as pressed his button nose against the window.

I chuckled, looking over at Jungkook as he smiled back, kissing my cheek.
The car slowly parked its way into the spaces, and I could see a faint glow in the nearby distance.

"Cmon.. they must be waiting."
A small nod escaped from me as I unbuckled myself, holding my stomach as I exited the car.

Jimin bouncing on his little feet as he wanted to run around and make as many "cool" looking friends he could find.
Meaning the small ants and butterflies.
And the occasional Rolly Polly.

Jungkook wrapped an arm around my waist as he slowly led me to the area of light.
My eyes scanning the area around me.

The trees surrounding me had cute fairy lights, wrapped nicely around the branches and trunk.
The floor covered in a big blanket.

And the food spread was amazing.
Variety of foods that I could only imagine.

Food is the key to my heart.
And Jungkook knows that.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now