flashback 0.9

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(This is when Suho kidnapped the boys.. and what he did to Hoseok..)

Hoseok looked at the note that laid at his front door.
He knew it was stupid to believe it but who's the stupid one..

Him to believe the note or him to ignore it and maybe cause harm to his boyfriend and unborn baby boy.

A small sigh escaped the red head as he looked at the bedroom, seeing how adorable his love looked with the body pillow.

"I'll be back in a bit babe! Going to get some food!" Hoseok said loud enough for Tae to hear before slipping on shoes and a jacket.
His eyes had tears as he knew that he was risking a lot.

After awhile, he met at where he was suppose to be, looking around the room as he felt uncomfortable.
His eyes darted around before seeing a small figure as well in the corner.

"J-Jin!" Hoseok ran over, seeing his best friends boyfriend there.
He looked torn and that's what only upset Hoseok even more.

He heard Jin whimper and shake his head, crying out as if he tried to get him away.

"Now now princess.. don't make me get mad at you. This is just my toy to relieve.. my sexual tension." The deep voice suddenly resonated as Hoseok froze.

Sexual.. tension.
Those words were like ice to the sunshine boy.
He already feared for what was about to happen to himself.

"Since you actually came. I'll stick with my promise and not harm your beloved boyfriend and that child of yours. But in return.." Suho gripped Hoseok's hair, earning him a whimper, as he pulled it back. "You'll have to let me do you all night.."

Hoseok shook his head, already feeling tears in his eyes again as he didn't like the thought and his grip was hard on him.
"Please.. please don't do this.." he begged as Suho just chuckled.

"Listen here you bitch.. you're not even going to be able to remember much but you'll be used to do whatever I want to do." Suho threatened as he pulled Hoseok along by his hair to the bed.

Jin shook his head, struggling against the restraints as he saw Hoseok get pushed down, fearing for the new male he encountered.

"Please.." Hoseok sobbed as he felt his clothes trying to be taken off.
A slap echo going off as Hoseok finally got what Suho had been wanting to do.

"Stay quiet." Was all he ordered as he looked at the male, seeing how vulnerable he already looked underneath him.

"How the hell do you top when you're most likely to be the whore in the relationship.. begging for more.." Suho smirked as he just decided to rip the fabric off of his skin.

"There. Much better."

That's how it started.

With each whimper, he got a slap or he got hit hard.
Each time he tried to fight against it, only got him worse punishment.

Hoseok couldn't do anything to protect himself.
His arms and legs were tied to the bed so that he wouldn't refrain from harming Suho.

Now.. when the real pain came.
You can only imagine the blood curling screams that escaped from the red heads lips.

When Suho positioned himself, he was begging and begging for him not to do it.
He begged for him to stop.

"Y-You're raping him.." The soft voice called out to Suho just before he was going to push in.

The male turned to looked at the frightened male.
Seeing his expression and how he hated the look already.

"I'm not harming him darling.. I'm just.. really rough in bed so he's not used to it. Which is why I didn't want to do this to you." Suho sugarcoated the truth as he walked over, blinding Jin's eyes and looked for his headphones so that he didn't hear the next couple of minutes.

He stuffed a shredded shirt into Hoseoks mouth, to muffle and ensure that his screams were going to be hidden.

"God.. maybe. Maybe I'll have you have my baby instead.. I feel like you would like something like that." Suho chuckled at the thought as he pushed himself in with no warning.

Each thrust was met with a loud scream, cries and begging as Hoseok hated everything.
His tears streamed down his face as he shook his head, trying to get away.

Everything hurt.
Nothing felt okay.
It felt as if his body was on fire, and he knew he wasn't okay.

Even after Suho finished, releasing his seed deep inside Hoseok. Did he realize that he was bleeding.

Suho chuckled, untying Jin and letting him handle his mess as he admired what he did to the red head.

"God.. he was just too cute and it was worth it.." The male mumbled to himself before leaving the room and locking the door.

Jin took off the blindfold, looking at the other in fear as he trembled.
He shakily stood up, walking over to see how devastated and ruined he was now.

"I-I'm so sorry.." Jin whispered as he untied the male, taking out the gag and noticed all the blood on the sheets.
His eyes then saw the bruises and cuts that formed on his skin.

The ones on his face were the worst in his opinion.

"I-I.. I just.. i wanted to protect him.. I wanted to protect my Tae and my baby boy.. that's all I wanted to do.." Hoseok weakly said as he smiled a bit.
Tears still streamed his face as he closed his eyes, Jin fearing that he was unconscious.

"H-Hey! Stay with me!" Jin whimpered as he shook the male to try to keep him awake.

Tears streamed his cheeks as he pulled the red head close, begging that he made it for the night.
He knew that it was already tough and bad for them both but Hoseok has more pain than he did.

"I promise.. we'll get through this." Jin whispered as he tried to keep thinking positive.
Y'all. I finally kinda got time to do more chapters so I'll post more soon (:

Thanks for waiting and thank you again for supporting this book!

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