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Jungkook's POV:
My eyes stared at the ceiling as I laid in bed.
I wasn't tired and I wasn't really energetic.

My mind was still racing with what happened today.
And it really affected me.

My chest ached a whole lot and I felt my heart pull on its strings as if it was trying to kill me.

I did deserve it though.
I didn't want to believe that I was the cause of his pain.

The pain he felt all these years were because of me.
I knew I was fucked up but I didn't think that I was that fucked up.

I was stopped from my sudden thoughts when I heard someone knocking at my front door.
I groaned as I got up and walked over, opening it to feel a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Aish.. Gyeomie.. is that a way to welcome your big brother.." I mumbled as my little brother peeked up at me with a cheesy smile.

I just smiled back as I hugged him, kissing his forehead before closing the door as he made himself at home.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I just noticed that I did move to a new city yet here was my baby brother in my apartment.

"Eomma let me come to visit!! I have great news too!!" He excitedly said and I couldn't help to chuckle as I walked over, ruffling his hair before sitting next to him.

"Oh really? What is it?" I asked as I saw how flustered he suddenly got.
A brow arched as he was stumbling on what to say before he finally said it.

"I get to live here with you and I have a boyfriend named BamBam that goes to a school here that I'm about to enroll in!" He rushed out in one breath as I slowly caught on to what he said.

"Okay. Wait. Your living with me now? And second. SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND WHY DID I JUST HEAR ABOUT IT NOW?" I asked and yelled a bit as I was overprotective of him.

He just shrank in his seat before nodding, fiddling with his fingers as he smiled at me.

"Appa said that it was best if I lived with you. And I met BamBam a couple of weeks ago when I went to a dance camp. We got really close and he asked me out on the last day. We've been face timing and calling each other every day.." he admitted as he was a cute little fanboy as he talked about his new boyfriend.

It was his very first one and his first love too.
Which was why I got so worried.

I didn't want him to end up having a really fucked up life like how I did.

I know what I did in high school was wrong and he shouldn't have to be or get hurt like that.

"Aish. Yugyeom. You really surprise me. Did you pack up? I notice that your wearing a backpack and have a small suitcase by the doorway." I asked as he nodded, being the cutie he was.

I leaned over and pinched his cheeks which caused him to let out a small whine.

"I'll start planning to have your room be done by tomorrow. Since you really did surprise me and come out of the blue." I watched how excited he got again before he hugged him tightly.

I just smiled and hugged him back. He was really special to me. Yugyeom was my baby brother and I know that he remembers every little thing as a kid.
Which is why I chose to protect him.

I'm guessing Appa made him live with me so that my real Eomma wouldn't say those nasty things to him.

Once Yugyeom walked to my bedroom, I stayed on the couch, closing my eyes as I remembered the day I heard what my Eomma said.

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