flashback 0.1

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(This isn't in anybody's POV. Since it's a memory)

"Oh. Isn't it Kim fucking Seokjin." A tall ravenette spat out as he shoved a smaller blonde against the locker.

A smirk tugged on his lips when he felt accomplished to hear a whimper escape from those gorgeous pink lips.

But what also broke him was that he held tears in his eyes.
Jungkook didn't mean to hurt him. He never does but it was the only way to get his attention.

'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Seokjin.' He thought as he just took a deep breath and walked off, looking over his shoulder as he saw how the older male fell to the floor.

Jin was crying his little heart out, holding his shoulder as he felt the pain there the most.
He never wanted to fight back but he at times did.

'Why me? Why me! Jeon Jungkook!' He thought over and over again to see how he could've provoked the underclass man that seemed to love to harass him.

A whimper escaped as he stood up, shaking before feeling a pair of arms help him up.
A smile already on his face since he knew who it was.

His one and only best bud. Kim Namjoon!! He smiled even more as they both walked to class together.

Jin always felt more safe and reassured of Namjoon was by his side.
His best friend was always there for him and he was always grateful for that.

Jungkook was watching from a distance, his fists clenching up a bit as he saw Namjoon hold the one he loved.

The one that he wished could just see him for him.

"You know. If you weren't such a dick to him, he wouldn't be afraid of you." Hoseok admitted as Jungkook just scoffed.

He looked down. He knew he was right but he wasn't going to admit it.
What was the use of that if he knew it wasn't going to change anything.

"He has to know. How to accept the harsh reality of society. I'm just trying to protect him." Jungkook said softly as he looked down.

A small sigh escaped as he he walked off, not bothering to look back as he hurried off to his class.

He didn't realize that Seokjin had been listening to him and how he was a flustered mess at the moment.

"N-Namjoon did you hear that? He said he was trying to protect me." Seokjin said with a a small hopeful smile before seeing Namjoon shot it down with a small glare.

"Yeah right.. if he was trying to protect you then why is he hurting you? Where's the logic in that?" Namjoon harshly reminded as Jin flinched at the words.

His eyes weren't focused on him, but on Jungkook's back as he watched him walk off.

He never really thought that the younger was actually all about words and actions.
He's seen how sincere he could be.

Jungkook was literally friends with the two sunshine's in the entire school.
For someone who was supposed to be a bad boy.. he hung out with good people.

Jin was always confused on that but he was glad that he wasn't in the wrong crowd.

"M-Maybe he really is trying to change.." Jin said a bit hopeful again before looking away when Namjoon shot him another glare.

"Lets just go to class.." Namjoon mumbled as he walked them both to their next class, getting through the crowd successfully.

Namjoon placed Jin in his seat before hurrying to his own as they barely made it before the bell rang.

Jin, unfortunately, sat next to Jungkook. His eyes scanned the younger's face as he wanted to see what his expression was.

It just looked dull and sad yet at the same time angry and confused.

"Jungkook-ah. Did you hear about Suho's party this weekend?" A guy randomly asked the ravenette as he just shrugged.

Jin didn't mean to eavesdrop but he did. He looked down and just shook his head since Suho was a popular guy and he would never be invited.

I mean. That's what he thought.

Suho walked in, smiling that gorgeous smile that everyone would die for. Even Jin admitted that he found Suho attractive.

"Jungkook! Are you coming this weekend?" Suho asked, before looking over at Seokjin, eyeing him down a bit.

That caused Jin to get flustered up, shifting in his seat as he looked away to avoid anymore contact with the male.

That is. Until he felt Suho grab his chin and pull him up to stare at him.

"Whoa. You're actually really cute. I didn't even know that a guy like you went to our school.." Suho started, causing Jin to just flustered up and avoid eye contact with him.

Jungkook tensed up as he saw Suho touch the one person he had a crush on.
He hated that people got too touchy with Seokjin.
Jin was his. And anybody who tried to take him away was going to get a fist in places that will hurt.

"You should go to my place this weekend. I'm having a party. Name's Suho. I'll be your date for that night. Still you then." He winked at Jin as he headed towards his seat.

Jin sat there, blinking a bit, as he tried to realize what just happened to him.

'Oh my.. SUHO ASKED ME OUT TO BE HIS DATE AT HIS PARTY.' Jin internally squealed as he looked down.

His face showed a smile which only caused Jungkook to get more jealous and bit his lip, before poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

It was a habit he had when he was frustrated or just plain jealous.

The fact that Suho didn't even know Jin and just asked him out was not reassuring to the younger at all.
He knew how Suho was and he knew that meant Jin was going to get hurt by the elder.

'Not on my watch.' Jungkook thought.
He swore that he was going to stick by Jin's side and make sure he didn't get hurt at all.

If only Jungkook knew what he was going to do that night.
Poor Jin.

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