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Jungkook's POV:
The alarm went off and this time it wasn't me who groaned, but the younger figure that laid besides me.

I quietly laughed a bit as I got up to start getting ready while Yugyeom hurried to get himself ready for school.

'I can't believe my baby brother has a boyfriend. And that he's entering high school. Time really does go by fast.' I sighed as I walked to cook a quick meal for us, and knowing him. He would want his favorite.

My face showed how determined I was as I started to cook the omelette that he used to love to munch down when we were kids.

I learned how to do it at school one day and tested it out, and to my surprise, Yugyeom really liked it.

"Hyung! I'm kinda scared.. oh, your making that yummy egg thing!!" His voice drastically went from being so scared to excited once he noticed what I was doing.

"It's called an omelette Gyeomie.. You'll do fine at school. Just keep yourself away from bad people. And stay with your boyfriend whenever you can." I warned and reminded as I placed the plate in front of him.

He just nodded, but I can tell how shy he was getting.
I just smiled and kissed his forehead before walking to grab my bag and keys to get myself read.

"Gyeomie.. if anything happens. Tell me okay. I'm your big brother and I don't want you to make the same mistakes that I made when i was younger ." I said with a small groan at the end.

I wasn't exactly like Yugyeom as a kid so I know that he has a better chance at being a better man than I do.

"Mkay Hyung. Let's start going so that I can get my schedule and you can get the usual paperwork." He muffled out as he shoved the remaining pieces of the omelette into his mouth.

We both headed out and thankfully the traffic wasn't bad, so we got there in about 10 minutes.
(Well that's because I went a bit over the speed limit.. don't tell the cops.)

I watched how worried and anxious he got as soon as we got off the car.
And it hurt me to know that I couldn't be there with him because I was already a graduate and I worked all day.

"Cmon.. let's get you comfy here before I leave." I whispered in his ear as we started walking towards the doors.

My eyes wandered around a bit as I noticed girls were already whispering.
What about? Something about a cute guy.

But for once. They weren't on me. Their eyes were on Yugyeom, and I wouldn't blame them.

Yugyeom was a handsome teenager, and he really was amazing at everything, just like me.

"Hyung!! I see him!!" He whisper shouted in my ear as a smaller boy came into view, since well.. Yugyeom was tall.

With a few more steps, i watched how my baby brother was being hugged tightly by the one he calls 'BamBam'.
I just half smiled and ruffled my brothers hair while I looked at BamBam to see how he would treat my baby.

'He seems to be someone with a small social status. Doesn't look like a fuck boy. His looks are good.. but not too good that he'll be really cocky about it. The way he hugged my brother showed how much he missed him.. I think he found himself a keeper.' I smiled as I looked at the couple, sighing as I noticed the time.

"I gotta go Gyeomie.. See you later. Take care of him BamBam!! And I'll pick you up later!" I waved goodbye to my brother and his boyfriend, but didn't get too far.

His arms wrapped around me and he gave me a kiss on the cheek like he used to do when I was leaving to school.
"Bye Kookie.. Your baby brother will need his pwetty pwince later okay. Don't forget that I'll be just as cool as you were!" He stated and I just rose a brow.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now