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Seokjin's POV:
I'm alone in a locked room.
Suho was here a minute ago talking about the hospital and taking care of business.

And I knew what he meant.
My throat hurts by the way I was screaming and begging for him not to hurt him.

I don't want to lose Jungkook.
It's my fault.
If I wasn't so weak I would've fought back and tried to escape.

My body feels broken though.
My chest is covered in bruises and my legs feel all shaky.
My lower half is badly bruised and my privates aren't doing so well.

He's done too much with me but even through all the pain.
He didn't actually use me that way.
Yes he did abuse it with kinky toys and all but he never actually went into me.

But now I can't even do much.
I'm handcuffed to a pole in the room. My legs are tied up and I'm not feeling all too peachy.

Suho didn't actually feed me anything, and just kept making me drink water.
Because he said I was fat. All I should consume is water to not get any more fatter.

Am I fat?
I don't even know.
I look horrible though.

I think I'm going to die in here... Suho isn't going to let me go anytime soon and I know it's impossible to hear me.

"Kookie.." I hoarsely mumbled, leaning back as I closed my eyes.
I'm sorry.
I'm pathetic.

I feel sick.
I feel tired.
I feel pain.

Can someone please save me...

"Jungkook... please.. please where are you.." I whispered again as my body just gave up.

Jungkook's POV:
Hoseok told me that Suho used to live in an apartment complex near us.
But which one?

Namjoon is looking for the invite he had gotten from Sehun in his phone and I'm begging that he gets it.

My baby needs me.
He needs help.
I need to find him now.

"Seokjin!" I called out as I walked into one, looking around the buildings.
I'm such an idiot.

I should just ask the landlords.

"E-Excuse me.. I'm looking for one of my friends room. His name is Suho.. he had a roommate named Sehun." I started to ask one, as they looked inside a little book.

"Hmm.. we seem to have one. What is it that you need?" She asked me as I took a deep breath.
"I-I have to find someone. That's all." I just tried as she rose a brow but started to lead me towards his room.

It was one of the top floors, and it just looks.. scary up here.
The wall paint is peeling off while the floors looked like they can collapse in any minute.

She pointed at a room and just shrugged before walking off.
"Okay?" I mumbled before knocking on the door, looking around in the hallway.

Of course nobody was going to answer the door.. Suho got arrested and here I am expecting someone to answer the door.

I looked at the door, pushing it, before getting a bit back and hitting myself against it with my shoulder.
It hurt a lot but after a couple of pushes. I finally did it.

The door bursted open as I looked around, small pants escaping my mouth.
The apartment looked spotless but there were three rooms.

I opened one and it looked like a nursery.
Kinda like Taehyungs for the new baby.
It was creepy.

And the other one was like Jin's room.
The exact same way.
It looked used up and everything was dirty with something.

I recognized Hoseok's shirt and other objects around the room which just got me more pissed off.
And the third room.

It was locked so again I had to use my shoulder to open it.
But this one was empty.
It had no furniture and no sign of anybody living there.

Until I heard a small groan coming from the corner.
"J-Jin.. Jin oh my god!"

I ran over, holding his pale petite body in my arms.
He looked so worn and used up.

I'm so sorry baby.
My angel was hurt because I was stupid to leave him.

"I'm so sorry Jin." I whispered as I began to untie him, hearing his hurt voice as he flinched at each touch.
That asshole is really going to get when I see him again.

My Jin. He's my boyfriend. He's the love of MY life.
And he abused him and hurt him in so many ways.
Both mentally and physically.

He almost hurt my baby boy.
Jimin is too precious for this world.
But our son is such a smart cute baby.

The handcuffs were hard to take off but I found way to pick a lock..
Don't ask why or how.
So I used a pin to unlock it.

"K-Kookie.." He whispered to me and my heart broke at the way he looked up at me. His precious little smile that he tried to give me as his tears started to fall again.

"I'm here Jin.. I'm here." I smiled back as I kissed his forehead, standing up as I started to carry him down.

Nobody's POV:
It had been a couple of weeks ever since Jin got found again.
Hoseok and Seokjin has been getting regularly check ups and having themselves looked on as they asked for it.

Taehyung found out that Suho sexually assaulted Hoseok and it broke him.
The way his boyfriend started to cry and shake with each touch was what made him suspicious until the truth was told.

The pair are doing better, their bond only getting stronger since they vowed to protect each other.
Also because Hoseok finally decided to propose to his boyfriend.

And their baby was on the way.

Jimin was a mess when he first saw Jin.
His face never stopped looking swollen and red as he cried endlessly.

Namjoon was trying to help out as much as he can as he saw Jungkook was doing his best to have things under control.
Jin wasn't too broken but he was scared to be alone.

Which is why Jimin said he was going to be the best big boy and always be with his daddy.

Things were getting better and happier.
The JinKook couple were having a better relationship and they were just waiting.

For the special moment to happen.
While Jimin was waiting for the baby to come already.

He really wanted to see baby Yoongi and he promised to always protect and be Yoongi's bestest friend.

Hoseok's POV:
Oh my god.
I'm freaking out.
I'm freaking out so damn much..

The baby is coming.
Taehyungs water broke and I'm waiting in the room with him.

I'm panicking and he's blaming me for his pain..

T-Taehyung still looks as gorgeous as ever..
He's never looked bad.

My cute fiancé is the reason I strive to live each day.
Him and our baby.

I love him.
I love Taehyung so much.

I'm sorry for the rushed angst but I didn't want to keep writing how sad it was gonna get ;;

Next chapter is the baby chapter!

and the start of a fluffy friendship begins with Yoongi and Jimin as the story continues.

And JinKook will be doing some things (; and may have new things.

Dun dun duuuunn 🌿

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now