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Jungkook's POV:
I woke up to Jimin screaming.
His cries could be heard as I ran out of the bedroom.
I could hear his cries as he neared the kitchen, seeing Jin hunched over while holding his stomach.

"Jin.. Baby what's wrong.."
His face was stained with tears, as I leaned down, as he was taking deep breaths.

"My stomach.. I think I'm having contractions.. it hurts so much Jungkook.." He whimpered as I held him close, knowing it was near.
The doctors had explained to us that the baby's due date was going to be in April.

And it's already April 7th...and since we don't have a specfic due date.. It was hard..
I can't see Jin in pain..
It hurts me so much.

"Cmon baby.. lets get you some water and I'll pack some bags for the hospital.. we should check in already." I said softly as I brought him to the living room.
Jimin was trembling as he got close to Jin, kissing his face as he wanted him to feel better.

"Minnie no like seeing daddy cry.." He reminded as I smiled, going to get bags packed for the nights.
"Minnie. Do you mind sleeping over with Yoonie?" I called out as that was my option to do besides leaving him with Yugyeom.

I let the brat keep the apartment I was renting so that he can be an "independent" man according to him.
BamBam moves in with recently so I guess that's okay.. but their still teenagers which scares me a bit.

"I wanna be Uncle TaeTae and Yoonie and Uncle Hobi!" He answered me as I nodded, packing him his favorite yellow backpack with a few of his comfort items.

I can hear Jin groaning in pain and it just reminded me to go faster since I had him waiting. And I know that nobody who is like a queen deserves to be waiting.

Sooner or later, I managed to pack up all the bags as I hurried to place them in the car, looking around just in case I had forgotten to do something or actually get something.

"Baby, do you have everything?" I asked Jimin as he was playing with his Ryan plushie that Namjoon surprised him with. All he did was nod and waddled away as he decided to be the best boy ever and buckle himself in the car seat.

I looked over at Jin who was giving me a death glare, as I walked over to him.

I tried to smile in reassurance as he rolled his eyes at me, a small pout on his face as he placed a hand on his swollen stomach.

"Jeon Jungkook... I swear.. If I look like a mess or if you say something about my appearance, I will not be afraid to hit you in the back of the head with a frying pan.." My lovely blonde partner threatened me as I chuckled.

My hands slowly held his, as I gently stood him up, resting a hand at the arch of his back, caressing his side gently as I made small circle drawings.

"I hope that our baby boy comes out healthy and strong.." Jin said softly as he sighed, already thinking about the worst case scenario.

I knew that I was supposed to be reassuring him and trying to make sure that he doesn't think about negative things like that.. But I was worried as well.

I never was there for him when Jimin was first born so I don't understand half the things that are happening and I don't even know what to do or to actually expect.


No matter what.

I'll make sure that baby Jonghyun makes it through and that he gets all the love and support he needs.


It was a few hours later, and we had already dropped off Jimin at his uncles house..but not before we listened to him cry and beg that he had to be there to protect Jin from all the scary hospital monsters.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now