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(This whole date is going to be in Jungkook's view cause I'm not sure I can do both ;; I'll probably add a small POV from Jimin cause he has a lot to say (: ))
Jungkook's POV:
My heart was fluttering so much.
We were on our way to the festival and what I was so surprised to hear was Jin's angelic voice.

One of my favorite songs came on, by the band I loved since I was a kid, called BigBang. And he was singing their amazing hit, If You.

God that song is such an amazing song.
I hate that it's underrated.
But I'm so happy to know that my baby's daddy knew the song by heart.

Even Jimin knew! Wow!
I'm so proud to call him my son.

My eyes were focused on the road as I heard them sing the song together, smiling as they were having fun.
I was taking in the moment as I felt that Jin was at least a bit more comfortable now with me.

Jimin's eyes widened when he saw the beach as we passed it, his little nose scrunching up a bit.
"Daddy!! Can we go to the beach!!" He asked excitedly as he clapped his hands and kicked his little legs a bit.

"Maybe later this week baby. We can visit your little crab friends that you and Joonie made." Jin said softly as Jimin nodded, watching how beautiful the ocean looked as the sun was setting.

My eyes glanced over once and I couldn't help but to smile more at the beauty that I saw.
The way the sun made Jin looked even more golden than he already was.

His face was immersed in the beautiful light, his appearance looking more amazing.
He looked so much like an angel.
One that I'm so afraid to touch and hurt.

The festivals light came to view and I saw in the mirror how happy Jimin got.
His precious smile was on his cute plump face as he watched how close we were getting.

"Jimin. Do you want to go on fun rides with daddy Jungkook?" Jin asked as Jimin nodded, looking out the window as I started to park.

"Oh no. You're getting on with us to Jin. Don't try to escape." I teased as I got out, hurrying to open the doors and helping out our little boy.

Jimin got off with a small hop, shyly hiding behind Jin as he noticed all the people as they walked passed us.
"It's okay Jimin.. both of us will always be by your side." I reminded as he shyly nodded, extending out his hand for me to take.

I let a small blush on my face as I took it, his small hand wrapped around my large one as his other hand was enwrapped around Jin's.

Both of us were on each side as we started to walk, looking around to see what was fun.
I left to get them bracelets for the rides and was surprised to see an old face.

"Youngjae!" I called out and the names man turned to meet my gaze, smiling as he waved.
I ran over, smiling as I hugged him tightly.

"It's been awhile Jungkook! Man you've grown since the last time I saw you." He admitted as I smiled at the other.
"Yeah it has been. And heck yeah I have. Puberty hit me pretty nicely if I do say so myself." I joked as I then felt someone hug me from behind, or tried to.

"Daddy!! I wanna go on the pirate ship ride!!" The little voice called out. Which reminded me why I was there.
"Oh yeah! Okay Minnie.. let daddy say bye bye to his friend okay. This is Uncle Youngjae.. he's a very close friend to daddy." I said softly as I picked him up, bringing him towards the male.

Youngjae was surprised to see a small boy in my arms but nonetheless he waved and greeted the younger.

"I didn't know you had a kid." He said softly as I shook my head.
"Neither did I.. but Seokjin told me about him a few weeks ago." I admitted as Jimin hid in my neck.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now