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Jungkook's POV:
My head was pounding and the pain was excruciating.
But I stayed as strong as I could so that I could keep Jimin reassured that it was okay.

Everything was going to be okay and I wasn't going to act out.
"Daddy.. Where are we going?" Jimin asked as the car was going into a new city, after almost an hour or two drive.

It felt nice to be back in my hometown but this is just the city.
The little town he used to live in wasn't really there anymore but it was a happy thought he liked to reminisce about.

"We are going to go see Uncle Hobi and Uncle TaeTae. They wanted us to see them before the baby comes." I half lied cause it was sort of the truth.
Namjoon looked at me and rose his brow, wondering what the heck I was talking about.

"You mean the two of them actually got together? And actually are having a child now?" Namjoon asked and I couldn't help to smile.
"Yes. Hoseok finally popped the question and he's having his first kid already. I feel so proud cause he asked me to be the godparent. Their getting married soon to." I admitted with a smile since it was really amazing.

I wish I didn't mess up back then.
I wanted to have that kind of relationship with Jin and I wasn't going to lose it this time.

"Namjoon. Do you have any idea on who would do this?" I asked about the concern we still had at hand and he sat there to think a bit.

"Actually.. I feel like I do. When me and Seokjin were dating.. there was this guy who kept pestering us both and even after we broke up I saw him again.
He even asked my boyfriend about me and more about Jin but of course he doesn't know much." Namjoon furrowed his brows a bit and pursed his lips.

"The last time we both came here was because Seokjin and I had a friends party. I don't know if you remember Sehun?" Namjoon asked and I sighed reluctantly cause I did know that little ball of energy.

"Yes. I do. He used to live near Hoseok and would always ask if I wanted to go out to have fun. Little kid at times I swear but he's a good guy.. a weirdo at times but I won't deny that he's a good guy." I admitted as I smiled at the thought.

"Well. We went to Sehun's party to celebrate his birthday I think and we ran into Suho again. He didn't seem to be pleased when he found out me and Jin were dating.
But he just congratulated us and tried his best to keep his death stares unnoticed but I'm a genius who doesn't fail to notice any details." Namjoon boasted proudly before sighing a bit.

I stopped in front of an apartment complex, thinking about what he had told me.
That name.
I'm so stupid how can I not piece The whole damn situation together.

It reminded me of back then in highschool.
I was stupid enough to hurt Jin badly but I can't remember how I even ended up in bed with him.

Yes I did drink but I am not that heavy of a drinker.
"That mother f- fluffing joy." I changed my words when I saw Jimin watching me.

I sighed and got out, opening the door to unbuckle my baby boy before looking at some of the apartment complexes near me.
'He's near me.. I have to find him now.' I scanned the area and tried to get a small lead before going up to the old complex I used to share with the couple.

Namjoon was behind me, also looking at some buildings as he felt uncomfortable for some reason.
He felt like he was being watched.

I placed Jimin down as we walked in, saying our hellos to some guests and I already knew where I was going.

Our footsteps echoed in the hallway but we got to the room, and I just entered the passcode and remembered where the key was so we just walked in.

Taehyung was on the couch, a pout on his face as he was waiting for his lover to return from the supermarket but instead was met with 3 pairs of eyes looking at him.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now