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Seokjin's POV:
It's been fun.
Really fun since I started to date Jungkook.
It's been a good two and a half weeks.

"Daddy!!" My cute little baby came running to me as I was cooking some dinner for the two of us.
Jungkook was out of town to visit his Appa and Yugyeom left with him as well, so that left me and Jimin to have some bonding time again.

I really did miss the alone time that we both had but I don't mind the new noise that started to blossom in our lives.
"Mmm.. what's up prince? What would you like to do after dinner?" I asked as Jimin giggled, nuzzling into my neck as he stayed in my arms as I cooked.

I had invited Namjoon over for some dinner like we used to so that I can feel a bit safer.
I've had this bad feeling of being watched ever since I met Jungkook again.

I put Jimin down to start placing the plates on the table, watching how Jimin started dancing to some songs from the T.V.
I always wondered how he could move those hips so easily.

He obviously got it from me.
The "LEJINDARY" Dancing King.
Ha. I love my funny jokes.

"Jimin! The Dino nuggets are going to be in my stomach if you don't wash your hands and hurry back!" I teased since I knew how precious these nuggets were to him.

Although.. I would eat a lot of them without him knowing because I really love food.
I think I love food more than Jungkook.

I did not just say that I loved Jungkook.
That's.. a typo. I think.

I watched how Jimin stumbled into the kitchen with his cute little legs.
His small hips as he tried to sit up on his big boy chair.

"No daddy!! I wanna eat my nuggies!" He whined as he watched how I teased by almost eating one Tyrannosaurus rex nugget.
I could've sworn that he had tears in his eyes when he saw it almost in my mouth.

Aish. This kid.
Does he love food more than me?
Dinner went by nice and smooth since I made sure Jimin ate all the veggies, even though he hates the little trees, and he ate all his nuggets.

Which meant one big task left to do.
And it was hard to do it.
Bath time.

Jimin hates taking baths and I always end up bribing him by saying I'll buy a new stuffie.
He knows how to make deals.
I shouldn't have let him watch all those mob and entertainment dealing shows.

He's a real smart kid.
And he knows how to play wisely to get the things he wants.

"Minnie. Time for bath time!" I called out as I started to the bathroom to make the tub.
My eyes were starting to hurt a lot so I started to wear my glasses instead nowadays.

Jungkook calls me an old grandpa because of them.
And because I'm older.. by like a year or two so he has to calm down.

 by like a year or two so he has to calm down

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