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Jungkook's Pov:
It was going to be a very long day and I could already tell by the way my hair was all over the place.

My face scrunched up when the cold water hit it and I was lost in thought about several things yet I couldn't tell what they were really about.

The suit they prepared for me what really.. hot? Is that the word to say? Well I'm not sure but I knew that I would definitely look good in it.

I guess I can be called a spoiled brat but in reality I wasn't. My father was a big company guy yet I'm just one of his sons.

I didn't ask for much and he tried to keep me reassured and happy by sending me money. And I hated to waste too much money unless if it was necessary.

As I got into my car. I just realized something.
I didn't know what to do.

I had been transferred from my bead company to another city to work as the head boss's main coordinator and I wasn't really sure on how to do that when I've had my friends by my side.

Hoseok and Taehyung were with me all the time so I always had things planned and ready.
I'm alone in this big city and building and I have no idea what on earth I'm doing.

I'm a handsome young man if I do say so myself and I never really dated anyone.
Well that's because my eyes were fixated on one person ever since I saw him.

My heart would flutter and I just wanted to protect him.
But the thing is. Before I could remember who he actually was.
He was nowhere to be seen. My best friends told me that he left to another school and they never told me why.

But they said I was to blame.
What does that even mean?

I don't know but I still kind of remembered the way he looked.
His thick pink plump lips that were just the cutest when he smiled brightly.
But he was always afraid of me for some reason.

Again. I don't know why. Or at least I don't think so.
Why would he be scared of me?

I got to the company early because I had to get my room ready and organized to my liking so it wasn't really a bad messy thing to be in.
But I had to wait awhile in the lobby so I just stayed there for now as I was told to.

What peaked my curiosity was that I wasn't too sure why but this guy came in with a toddler.

The toddler was cute to be fairly honest. I have a BIG soft spot for kids and just seeing the little boy made my heart go uwu.

The older guy seemed to be waiting for his kid since he was outside for awhile but.. he didn't seem to notice the boy giggle and leave him.

"Oh! Hey!" I called out as he seemed lost in thought so I hurried to get the little boy to get back to his dad.

My eyes scanned around the halls until I saw someone fairly small curled up against the wall, and hearing tiny sniffles made my heart break.

"Hey.. Are you lost? My name is Jungkook and I promise you that I'll help you find whoever your looking for." My voice was as soft as I could get it to be because when he looked up, his crying face made me a mess.

I didn't like seeing people sad and especially if it was a kid.

"What's your name? Hm?" I asked this time as he rubbed his eyes a bit and looked at me with cute big brown eyes.

"M-My name is Jimin but daddy likes to call me Minnie and my other daddy calls me his little prince. You look like a bunny!!" He cutely said as he started to smile a bit, making my soft heart get even softer.

It's you Again || K.SJ + J.Jk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now