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Seokjin's POV:
It's been six months.
And boy a lot of things happened in those six months.

My pregnancy is going well and Jungkook has been dealing with all my constant mood swings.
My sudden cravings and desires.

Jimin.. please. Someone take him away before he pops in excitement.
Ever since I told him that he was having a new sibling, he hasn't stopped trying to buy any little thing that can please his new family member.

But that's not the only problem.
He got so attached to Yoongi as well.
Jimin just turned four a couple of days ago and he made it seem like if it was his 18th birthday.
He's prepared to "take responsibility" and love Yoongi forever.
Please.. he's just a little cute mochi who's more confused.

My eyes looked up when Jungkook came back with a glass of water for me.
His eyes crinkling up at the sight of me on the bed as he went to sit besides me.

"You're so beautiful Seokjin.." He mumbled as he held my hand as I just rolled my eyes playfully.
He's been trying to make sure that he stays on my good side because he accidentally called me fat in a good way.. but my mood at the moment was almost to kill him.

The doctors told me that I'm having a baby boy.
And what scared me more.. was that both me and the baby may have a risk at dying.

I rather have the baby survive and me pass away then to feel guilty of an innocent life dying from a choice like that.
Jungkook knew that as well and he hated the choice I made but he promised me that no matter what, he'll be there to make sure we both get out.

I was due towards maybe early April.
And I was excited for that.
Both him and Yoongi would be sharing the same birthday month so it was going to be cute.

My eyes looked up when I saw Jungkook smiling at me.
I raised a brow and stuck out my tongue.
"We never came up with a name to call our baby.." He suddenly admitted.

Which is true.
I've had some names on my mind but then I'm not sure as well.
"Well.. what are a couple of names that you like?" I asked as he walked over to me, rubbing my belly softly.

"Minho.. Or Jiyong.. but those seem.. a bit rough. And I want a name that'll be smooth and the sound of it will bring people to smile." He said softly as he kissed my fingers.

"Jonghyun. I want to name the baby Jonghyun.." I said softly as he looked up at me, a smile on his face as he seemed to like the name.
"That's a perfect name for our baby.." He chuckled when I squealed at his touch on my cheek.

I've heard the name before and it's calming to me.
It's the name of an angel.
Our precious baby is going to be a beautiful angel.
Besides Jimin of course.

I'm excited for this.
I'm excited for this chapter of my life.

Hoseok and Taehyung have gotten closer ever since the incident.
Hoseok going to therapy and rehab at times for his health and mental state.
Taehyung supporting him no matter what.

They've been the cutest couple ever besides your one true pair.
I gazed at Jungkook as his hand rested upon my stomach, tracing small shapes on it as he just adored it.
At first I was worried. That maybe he was going to change and decide to leave us.
But he proved me wrong and that's what makes me happy.

The fact that he knows how to make me happy and to make me smile.
How to care for me as I'm "dying" on bed because of pain or illness.
Kisses me to shut up at times when I'm rambling on about the negative things in life.

I love Jeon Jungkook.
And nobody can say that I don't.

I'm excited to see how these next couple of months lead up to be.
I hope they're the best ones of our lives.
And I know that.. maybes I'm asking for too much but.

I really fucking hope that Jungkook proposes to me soon.
Or else me, being worldwide handsome, will do it.

I smiled when Jungkook looked at me, kissing his cheek as he attacked my face with light feather kisses as well.
This boy really drives me insane.

"Ew.. daddy cooties!"
screamed a little mochi as we both bursted out laughing.
Short and cute fluff chapter.
I have a way to end this book and start the sequel already (,:

And yes.
The baby is a boy and his name is going to be Jonghyun ❤️
Our precious angel.

like I spend so much time creating them and it's rare when people seem to like them.

They are important since I can't put the whole storyline in this story so I cut it short with the flashbacks.

Just watch.
I'm gonna end up putting the wedding, baby chapter. And proposal chapter in one flashback 😐

But on other words.
Thank you all for the support and love this book is getting!
If anyone wants to do translations for this book, message me 💞

Hope you all keep spamming the chapters with comments cause you all always surprise me (,:

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