Chapter 8: Late

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Selena's P.O.V.

Walking through the doorway of my first period class felt so weird without a goodbye kiss from Justin. Where was he? Sitting down in my seat, I wondered where Justin was. It wasn't like him to not show up without telling me. Plus I was dying to see him. I would finally be able to kiss him without feeling guilty.

Taylor flew down into her seat as the bell rang. She smiled at me. The teacher clapped signaling the class that she was going to begin the lesson. Taylor looked at me confused. 'Oh great. She knows something is wrong,' I thought.

"What's wrong?," Taylor whispered. Picking up my book to cover my mouth, I bent down a little. Taylor picked up her textbook and followed my league. We picked a bad day to sit in the front row. Taylor locked her eyes on me. She wasn't going to look away from me until I told her.

"I talked to my mom. She's okay with me dating Justin now," I quickly whispered. Glancing at the teacher, I saw that she was writing something on the whiteboard. Looking back at Taylor, she shot a confused look at me. Understanding why Taylor was confused, I proceeded on telling her why I was upset.

"I'm just upset because Justin isn't here. I wanted to apologize about yesterday but he's not here today," I admitted. Taylor smirked at me. Leaning closer to my book, I rolled my eyes.

"Awwwww so Selena's upset because she didn't get a goodbye kiss before class started?," Taylor asked in a mocking tone. Rolling my eyes, I joined in with her laughter. I wasn't going to lie, I did miss my goodbye kiss. But I just missed Justin even more. The teacher turned around and glared at us.

"Miss Swift! Miss Gomez! Do I need to make you two stay after class?," the teacher asked with raised eyebrows. Taylor and I set out textbooks down on the desk. The class looked at us; anticipating for an answer.

"Sorry Mrs. Miller," Taylor and I said in unison with innocent looks filling our eyes. She nodded then went back to teaching. We giggled then started to pay attention. Yep; definitely picked the wrong day to sit in the front row.

Justin's P.O.V.

Sitting down in the front seat, I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Already past 8. How did I sleep in so late? Shoving my mom's shoulder, I anxiously waited for her to wake up. My mom yawned then looked over at me. She was half asleep and looked angry.

"Justin why are you up so early?," my mom asked in the middle of a yawn. Obviously she didn't realize the time. Looking at her with wide eyes, she then realized I was late for school. She turned the key of the car, placed her hands on the wheel, then took off.

"Hurry get dressed," my mom demanded. I shot a confused look at her. Ger dressed in here? Was she crazy? Reaching back, I grabbed a box labeled: Justin's clothes. Digging through the box, I pulled out a black tee, black jeans, and a cream colored sweater. Placing the box back in the backseat, I picked up another box labeled: Justin's hats and other stuff.

Turning back around with the box, I pulled out a black hat and dark sunglasses. Looking down at my shoes, they were white. 'Yeah they'll work,' I thought. Turning back around, I put the box back.

"Aren't you going to change?," my mom asked while speeding down the street. Chuckling, I fixed the tongue on my high tops. Shaking my head, I sat back down in my seat. My mom made a quick turn. I held my clothes in my lap.

"I'll change at school. Running late already anyways," I replied. She glanced over at the clothes in my lap, then looked back at the road. The car zoomed down the road. The car zoomed down the road. We were getting closer to the school.

"I'm sorry Justin. I'm trying my hardest. Tonight, I'll park somewhere else. Closer to the school, promise," my mom apologized. Nodding, I hoped she realized this wasn't her fault. Also that I wasn't mad at her.

"Mom it's fine. It's not like I was going to pay attention in first period anyways," I chuckled. She shot a glare at me while my chuckling died down. She hated it when I didn't care about school. It was just a joke to help lighten the mood, but then again it was true.

"Justin," she groaned. Swallowing, I remained quiet for the rest of the ride. Once my mom pulled up to school, I began to get out of the car. My mom quickly kissed my cheek before I got out. The window rolled down. Looking through the window, I waited for her to speak.

"I'll pick you up after school," my mom said. My eyes widen. She couldn't pick me up right after school, I had work. Shaking my head, my mom looked at me confused.

"I have a project to do after school. It will take a couple of hours. I'll text you when I'm done,"I lied. My mom still looked a little confused but went with it. Thankfully she bought it.

"Okay just text me when you're done," she said. I nodded while the window went up. Her car left the parking lot, then I headed to the bathroom. Quickly changing into my clothes, I left the bathroom then dropped my old clothes off at my locker.

Reluctantly, I walked to my first period class. Checking the time on my phone, I already had missed half of first period. There was no point in going, but I knew my mom would want me to go. Placing my hand on the door handle, I took a deep breathe then walked into class.

Everyone's eyes were glued on me. 'What? It's not like you've never seen me come in late before,' I thought. Traveling to the back of the class, I took my seat in between Chaz and Ryan. They were both snickering softly. Rolling my eyes, I looked forward.

Our teacher had anger in her eyes. So what? I was late and had no pass. That didn't mean she had to be staring me down. If she was going to blame me for interrupting her class, she had no right. She was staring me down, she's the one causing the distraction. The teacher continued to glare at me.

"Mr. Bieber take that hat off, and those sunglasses, we're indoors," she demanded. Taking my hat off, I then set it on my desk. Chaz and Ryan snickered. The teacher continued glaring at me. The class just stared at me. By their facial expressions, I knew that they were all thinking.

"Sunglasses off now Mr. Bieber," she demanded rudely. I shrugged. The teacher went into a deeper glare. The class 'ooooohed.' They were sunglasses, she had no right to tell me to take them off.

"Fine on the count of three if you don't take them off you'll get detention......1.........2.......3!," she yelled. Refusing to take them off, I just stared at her. I got up and walked over to her desk.

"Detention at lunch Mr. Bieber," she muttered. Nodding I knew how this worked.

"Someone's in a bad mood," Chaz whispered.

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Hey guysssssss :)

So I have some bad news :(

I'm going on vacation so I won't be able to post for a week

I am beyond sorry, but I promise as soon as I get back that I will post 3 chapters :)

Also please comment on what you think of the story so far, it would mean the world to me :)

Again I am BEYOND sorry

Love youuuuu all so much

Love, Jessica 

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