Chapter 33: Lies are good sometimes

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Justin's P.O.V.

 Sitting down on the couch, I stared blankly at the tv screen. Why did I even have it on? It's not like I was even watching it. Beginning to turn it off, the door opened causing me to jump a little and drop the remote. Scooter chuckled a little. Shaking my head, I looked back at the TV.

"Sorry to scare you kid," Scooter said while walking over to the couch. He picked up the remote and handed it to me. Taking the remote, I set it down next to me. Scooter sat down on the couch, across from me on the left.

"You didn't scare me," I said in an annoyed tone. Scooter continued to laugh. Rolling my eyes, I turned the tv off. Noticing the way Scooter was sitting, he had news. Good news for that matter.

"So what's the news?," I asked. He looked at me with a face that read: how-did-you-know-that? But really how could I not? I'be known you for awhile now Scooter. You always rush in and just stare at me when you have exciting news.

"We finished putting Boyfriend together. I just came by here to make sure that Boyfriend was still the next single you wanted to release," he said. Wait, was Scooter about to say what I thought he was about to say? Hopefully. Nodding, I smiled.

"Well since you're okay with that.....I'm sure you won't mind if we release it at midnight," he said with excitement. Springing up from the couch, I smiled and nodded.

"Scooter does this mean what I think it means?," I questioned with a smile. Scooter looked away. 'C'mon Scooter, don't act like you don't know,' I thought. Raising my eyebrows, I stared Scooter down. Anticipating, I furrowed my eyebrows then added a smirk. Scooter looked back at me with a smirk. 'Scooter,' I thought with annoyance.

"Yes kid. This means were going back to your mom's car for a week.....or longer," he said. When Scooter added: 'or longer', my eyes lit up. Longer than a week; that would be th best.

"I'm going across the street to the studio to get your mom You can start packing up. Or call up Selena and tell her you'll be back by tonight," Scooter said then got up from the couch then left.

Honestly, I didn't know what to be more excited about. Boyfriend coming out on iTunes or the fact that we were going home for a week or longer. But I wasn't sure if we were going to stay over a week or not. Either way, I was going home to see Selena, and that's all I could ask for.

Going into my room, I packed up my stuff. Sure I was going to miss sleeping on the hotel bed. But to be honest, I missed sleeping in the passenger seat of my mom's car. Pulling out my phone, I couldn't wait to tell her the news.

A smirk appeared on my face, maybe I wouldn't tell her the truth. After all, lies are good sometimes. Writing a text, I read it over a couple of times. Yeah, short but simple. Like a good lie should always be. Sending the text, I put my phone back in my pocket.

Me: Selena I have some bad news. Scooter's having me stay in LA for 2 to 3 more weeks. I want to come back but I can't. I love you so much. Hopefully we can talk more. Miss you.

Zipping up my suitcase, I heard my mom and Scooter come in. Picking up my suitcase, I left my room. Going into the living room, I passed by my mom. She went into her room. Probably going to go and pack. Setting my stuff down by the door, I went over to the couch and sat across from Scooter.

"So how did Selena react?," Scooter asked to break the silence. Chuckling, if only he knew. He looked at me with confusion. Quickly, I wiped the smirk off my face and quit chuckling. Scooter didn't have to know about my lie. Plus I hadn't heard from Selena since I texted her. My phone went off.

"I'm guessing that's her right now," I said. Scooter nodded. Taking my phone, I checked who  the text from. It was Selena; I was right. Opening the text, I smiled. Softly Scooter mumbled: I'm guessing that's her. But it was so faint, I wasn't sure if I was hearing it right.

Selena: What?!? Ughhhhhhh!!!!!!! No Scooter can't do this. I don't know if I could live 2 to 3 weeks without seeing you :'(

Me: I don't know if I can either

Selena: Did you try talking to him?

Me: Yeah. Still refuses to let me leave. Speaking of Scooter, he just came in the room. Gotta go. Love you babe.

Selena: Kay :'( Love you too.

Sliding my phone into my pocket, I then looked oer at Scooter. His eyebrows raised with curiosity. His face reading: well-what-did-she-say? He was so snoopy.

"She reacted just the way I wanted her to," I said with a smirk. Scooter looked at me confused then got up off the couch. He still had the confused look on his face, trying to figure out if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Don't worry Scooter, it's a good thing.

Selena's P.O.V.

Throwing my phone onto my bed, I stared out my window angrily. No I wasn't mad at Justin, just Scooter. It's not like it was Justin's choice to stay in LA for 2 to 3 weeks. Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes Sighing, I looked away from the window and got in my bed. 

Not getting under the covers,  I laid flat on my back and stared at the roof. This was going to suck. No Justin for another 2 weeks. I barely survived these two weeks. How was I supposed to survive another?

Right now, I could give Scooter a mouthful. This just aggravated me in so many ways, it was hard to understand. Not only did it aggravate me, but it also made me sad. That was it! This time I was going to fight to bring Justin back.

Taking my phone out, I opened a new text to text to Scooter. Reading over the text, I wondered if I should or shouldn't send the text. It was pretty lengthy, and a majority of it was in caps lock. Not to mention, there was so much cussing in it; and every one was in caps lock. So it stood out.

My thumb hovered over the send button. Should I? If I did; what would Scooter think of me? Sighing, I erased the text. The text was never meant to be sent to Scooter in the first place. Just a way for me to get my feelings out. But I'm not going to deny that it would feel good to send that text to him.

Tossing my phone next to me, I stared up at the ceiling. Another two weeks.This was going to be hard. Sighing, I began to think for awhile. My eyes widened and I sat up. How could I just think that? Then again, how could I not?

But it made me feel guilty for thinking that. Then it rushed through my brain again. 'How much better would your life be if you hadn't called Scooter, and Justin didn't have this life?'

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