Chapter 21: Leave Me Alone

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Selena's P.O.V.

My phone vibrated against my thigh. Luckily, I had chosen to sit in the back of the classroom today. Looking around, I waited for the teacher to be distracted. Once he was distracted, I took my phone out of my pocket. Smiling, I saw the text was from the Justin.

Justin: Hey babe :)

Me: Hey where are you? I didn't see you this morning. Wait, are you coming back later today?

Justin: I'm still in LA. Probably won't be back for a week. I miss you

My heart dropped. A week?!? He was supposed to be back today. Something had to happen to make him stay. Obviously it was something good or else he wouldn't be staying for a week. But I still wanted him to be here with me. Sighing, people around me stared at me with confused looks. Was my sigh really that loud?

Me: Oh a week. Did something happen? I miss you too.

Justin: Yeah, a week. But don't worry I'm sure it will go by fast. Oh yeah! I forgot to to tell you. Scooter signed me to his record label and I have a lot of work to do. That's why I won't be back until next week. Oh yeah, I also called Mel and told her I would be out for a week. More hours for you now :)

Me: Yeah 

But Justin, the only reason I got a job at the diner was to help you and your mom out. Well also to hang out with you. But obviously both of those reasons are irrelevant now. So why go back to work now?

Justin: Hey Scooter and I are going to the studio. I'll text you later. Love you :)

Me: Have fun, love you too :)

Slipping my phone into my pocket, I zoned out. Not seeing Justin for a week? This was going to be the worst and slowest week of my life. Why did Justin have to be in LA? Couldn't he be here to work?

Going to lunch, I patiently sat on the bench and waited for Taylor. 10 minutes passed and there was still no sign of Taylor. Where was she? Rolling my eyes, I saw who was coming my way. Why was he here? Nick sat down by my side and wrapped his arm around me.

Taking his arm off of me, I asked in an annoyed tone, "What do you want now Nick?" He put his arm back around me and moved me closer to him. Looking at him annoyed, I saw that he was taking advantage of Justin not being here. Taking his arm off me, I crossed my arms under my chest. 'Just leave me alone Nick,' I thought.

"So where's Justin at?," Nick asked while looking around. Rolling my eyes, I knew Nick knew that Justin wasn't here. No, I didn't know what Justin had planned. Frankly, I didn't want to know. Nick put his arm back around me. Taking his arm off me angrily, I thought, 'Leave me alone Nick.'

"As you already know, he's not here," I spat. Nick rolled his eyes as I moved away from him. As he moved closer, I groaned. Just go away Nick!

"Oh so that's why you're by yourself. Mind if I keep you company?," Nick asked flirtatiously. Scooting away from him, I hope he gets the hint. Knowing Nick, I knew he would ignore it and just continue on. Why did Justin have to be gone? Every time Justin was gone, Nick always had to make a move on me.

"Leave me alone," I groaned. Reaching the edge of the the bench, there was nowhere to go. Nick ignored me and moved closer till we were side by side. Typical Nick. Looking at Nick, I saw he had a huge smile on his face. How could he be smiling at a time like this? Couldn't he tell, I didn't want him here?

"Well I don't want to leave you alone. So I might as well stay here until someone comes to you," Nick said. Rolling my eyes, he was so persistent. But at least he was being sweet. Well an irritating sweet. Sighing, I was about to tell Nick to leave again, but then I saw how bad he wanted to stay here.

Rolling my eyes, I gave in. It was one day. It's not like it going to kill me. Plus it would just be until Taylor got here. 'Taylor you better hurry,' I thought.

Then he moved closer to me. A little too close for comfort. Then I felt his lips against my cheek. Once I groaned, he removed his lips from my cheek. I shot a glare at him while thinking, 'Taylor you better hurry.' Nick just smirked.

*Taylor's P.O.V.*

Sitting in the front row, I tapped my fingers impatiently against the desk. This was taking forever. Where was she? Well it wasn't like I had to stay, I mean I was just talking in class. It wasn't that big of a deal.

But of course! Mrs. Moose had to make a big deal out of it and punish me. Now all I had to do was wait for her to come back to the classroom.

"Sorry about that Taylor. Now let's discuss your punishment," she says walking into class. Rolling my eyes, I knew what type of punishment she was going to give me. She sat down at her desk and opened the drawer and began digging through it.

Mrs. Moose wasn't the typical teacher for giving punishment to students. She never sent us out of class or gave us detention. Some students found it cool, but try having her. If you got caught texting, talking, or chewing gum in class; you had to do something that benefited the school. She was the teacher with the most school spirit and tried to be involved with every club, and everything going on at the school.

Honestly, I envied everyone who didn't have her. It's not like I didn't like her as a teacher. It's just that I hate her punishments. Trust me, this wasn't the first time, I had been in here. Mrs. Moose got up from her desk and handed me a piece of paper and pen.

"You know how the system works," she said while walking back to her seat. Rolling my eyes, I picked up the pen. What list of school activities does she want me to be a part of now?

1) Bake Sale

Ewuh no! I couldn't bake. Plus if I could, it's not like I would want to taste it or buy it. Next.

2) Pick up your trash campaign

No, I don't want to pick up trash at all. Plus our school was clean for a majority of the time. Next.

3) Prom Committee

No! I already have to much pressure about prom. Having to find a dress and transportation. Plus I was still in need of a date; after Nick and I broke up. I really don't have any one in mind. Yeah, I really needed a date, so I wouldn't be a third wheel with Justin and Selena. Next.

4) Posters's not too bad. I'm no artist. But I'm pretty sure I can manage. Checking off a box, I got up and handed it to Mrs. Moose. She smiled at me.

"Great! Can't wait to see you after school! I'm so glad you choose that because no one else has," Mrs. Moose admitted. Beginning to gather my things, an idea hit me.

Looking back at Mrs. Moose, I said, "Oh in that case. You should also sign up my best friend Selena Gomez." Mrs. Moose nodded then quickly grabbed a pen and scribbled her name down. Well, I wasn't going to do this alone.

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