Chapter 49: Shopping

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Selena's P.O.V.

Waking up in Justin's bed, I felt his arm wrapped around my waist. To be honest, I was surprised that Pattie had let Justin and I sleep in the same bed. But it's not like we were going to do anything, I did have the promise ring on that Justin had given to me. Plus I think Pattie was just over excited about the fact that mine and Justin's break was over.

Justin's arm was wrapped tightly around me. Ever since the interview he's stayed by my side the whole time. Seriously, I had barely got Justin to let go of me when I had to go to the bathroom. But his clinginess was cute. It just proved to me that he missed me, and I missed him too.

"Good morning beautiful," Justin whispered into my ears. He planted a kiss on my earlobe, then trailing kisses onto my cheek until he hit my lips. Turning my head, I kissed him back. I missed his lips so much.

After his lips left mine, he crawled out of bed. Sitting up, I watched him. He slid on a pair of light wash jeans and a dark t-shirt. Justin sat down on the side of the bed that I was laying on. He began to put his shoes on.

Pulling the covers off of myself, I moved over to Justin and draped myself on him. He began to tie his sneaker. That's weird, he usually wears his high-tops. Laying my head on his shoulder, I watched him continue to tie his sneakers.

"You tie your shoes weird babe," I laughed. Justin turned his head and made a weird facial expression. Honestly, I couldn't read what his face was trying to tell me. All I knew was that whatever expression he was making, he looked cute doing it.

"What? No I don't. I tie them just like everyone else," Justin said all defensively. Laughing, I rolled my eyes. There was no way that other people tied their shoes like that. It was just so unique.

"Babe there's no way that other people tie their shoes like that. Trust me, I would notice. Here let me teach you how to do it the right way," I said. Taking my head off of his shoulder, I leaned over and began to tie his shoe.

"Now watch closely," I said. Justin rolled his eyes then nodded. After tying his shoe, I let go of his foot then sat back up. Smirking at him, Justin softly chuckled.

"If anyone ties their shoes weird, it's you babe," Justin laughed. Joining with his laughter, my smile grew wider. Justin then pecked my cheek and got up from his bed. Looking over at the clock on the nightstand, it was a little before noon.

Looking back at Justin, I tilted my head to the side. Wait a second. All dressed and shoes on. Justin was going somewhere. But where? He was done recording songs at the studio, so he couldn't be going there. So where was he off to?

"Babe where are you going?," I asked. Justin shot his innocent smile at me. But his smile wasn't going to get him out of it this time. No matter how adorable it was.

"Oh Scooter said we had to this last minute thing. It shouldn't take that long though," he assured then winked. His wink made my heart melt. Nodding, Justin then came over and pecked my lips.

"I promise it won't be that long," he said. Nodding, I watched Justin leave the room. Not that long? Just exactly how long did that mean? An hour or longer than an hour?

Ugh! Why did Justin have to be so mysterious sometimes? All it did was leave me with questions. But I couldn't deny that his mysterious side was beyond sexy.

Justin's P.O.V.

Shutting the door behind me, I crept over to Scooter's room. Lightly knocking on the door, I entered his room. Softly, I closed the door behind me. Looking around, my eyes then fixed on his bed. Under the white covers there was a lump, and loud snoring. Lightly laughing, I made my way over to the bed.

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