Chapter 50: Things Change

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Justin's P.O.V.

Sitting on the couch next to my mom, we waited for Scooter; he had news, like he always did. But apparently this news was beyond huge, wasn't it always though? Scooter had to run to a meeting about his news then he would be here. Hopefully his meeting wouldn't run much longer, I had things to do. Although I'm used to Scooter having news, I was still excited.

"Mom do you know anything about Scooter's news?," I asked. She shook her head. There was dead silence. I figured there was silence because my mom and I were trying to figure out what Scooter's news was. It couldn't be the album release, and I didn't have any singles coming out any time soon. So what could it be about?

Scooter comes in with his chest puffed with pride and a huge smile across his face. He shut the door behind him and ran up to us. He plopped down onto the couch and excitement filled his eyes.

"Well someone's excited," my mom laughed. Scooter and I both joined in with her laughter. Scooter then tapped his toe and bounced a little with excitement. Okay maybe this was huge news, or Scooter was just over reacting.

"I have a good reason to be! And trust me, once you two hear the news, you'll look just like me," he said with a wide smile. My mom and I both looked at him with confusion. I don't know if I'll be excited as you are Scooter, that's kind of hard to beat.

"Well what is it?." I asked. Scooter's eyes lit up as he straightened his back. He took a deep breathe then just stared at us with excitement. Was he purposely doing this? Rolling my eyes, I waited for him to tell us his big news.

"You two might want to sit down for this," Scooter said. My mom and I shot confused looks at each other, then back at Scooter.

"Scooter we are sitting," I laughed. Scooter nodded like he didn't know what I just said. He probably didn't. Just too busy being excited.

"Oh then I better tell you!," he exclaimed then began to a quick drum roll. My mom and I quickly joined in with him. His smile grew wider. Then our drum roll died down.

"You're nominated for 3 awards, for an award show this Saturday! One for best single, best chart topper, and break-out artist! Plus they want you to perform," Scooter exclaimed. My mom's jaw dropped along with mine.

We sprung up from the couch and began dancing around all crazy. Scooter joined in with us. I was nominated for 3 awards! That would take some time to sink in. We all continued to dance around. This is so amazing.

"See I told you! You two were going to look just like me when you heard the news!," Scooter exclaimed in a tone that said: in-your-faces. Yeah, I know Scooter, you told us so. But that was the point; I'm nominated for 3 awards!

Then I stopped dancing and froze. Wait, did Scooter say that this award show was his Saturday? Scooter and my mom stopped dancing around and looked at me confused. Scooter especially looked confused.

"Kid did you not hear me? This Saturday! Aren't you excited?," he asked with confusion. Swallowing, I felt my heart drop into my stomach. We had a problem. More of my problem, but Scooter was going to be involved.

"Yeah I hear you," I pause then finish, "this Saturday." I then sat down on the couch. My mom came over to me and wrapped her arm around me, she held me tightly. Looking at the floor, I avoided Scooter's along with my mom's eyes. What was I supposed to do?

"And what's wrong with that? Oh, I get it! You're having trouble picking a song. Here to take the stress off you, I'll pick it for you. There problem solved!," he exclaimed. Shaking my head, the problem wasn't solved. Plus picking a song out was the least of my worries at the moment.

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