Chapter 12: Plan B

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Justin's P.O.V.

I had worked a little later than unusual. Taking trays off a table, I looked up through the window. My eyes became wide. Looking over at the clock it read; 5:56. My mom parked her car and began to walk up to the diner. 

Quickly, I threw the rest of the dirty dishes into the bin and then threw the bin into the booth seat. Running past Ruby, she reached out and grabbed my arm. Stopping dead in my tracks, I took my hat off.

"Kid your shift doesn't end for another 4 minutes," Ruby pointed out. Looking back out the window, I saw my mom approaching the front door of the diner.

"Ruby let go, I have to get out of this uniform," I said in a rush. Ruby rolled her eyes then looked out the window, then back at me.

"Who's that?," she asked curiously. 'Do you really need to know everything about me?,' I thought. Ruby tightened her grip around my arm.

"It's just my mom. Now let go," I demanded while attempting to release myself from her grip. Ruby chuckled.

"Wait your mom doesn't know you work here? Didn't she have to sign something on your resume?," Ruby asked. Glancing back, my mom was coming closer. It was a good thing that she was a slow walker.

"Ruby it's a job. It's not like I'm on a field trip," I chuckled. Ruby rolled her eyes then let go of my arm.

"Better hurry kid," she demanded. Quickly, I headed into Mel's office and got my clothes out of my locker.

Going into the employee's bathroom, I quickly changed. I went back into Mel's office and threw my clothes in my locker then left Mel's office in a rush. Then I went back into the main part of the diner.

Then I saw my mom and Ruby talking. My eyes widened. Ruby better not tell my mom that I work here. She looked over at me with a confused facial expression. Swallowing, I nervously walked over to my mom and Ruby. "Why were you back there?," my mom asked curiously.

"Just going to the bathroom. Now let's go," I said quickly. Grabbing my mom's wrist we began to leave the diner.

"Oh! It was nice meeting you Ruby!," my mom said as we went out the door. Once we were in the parking lot, I searched for my mom's car. Letting go of my mom's wrist, we walked over to the car and got in.

"Mom how did you know I was at the diner?," I asked with worry. She chuckled under her breathe.

"Well I went to the school an hour after school and you weren't there. Plus you weren't answering your phone. Luckily, I ran into Taylor," my mom explained. My eyes widened when I heard Taylor's name. Taylor better have not told her I work here; she promised she wouldn't.

"It was a good thing I did. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know you were here at the diner again," my mom said. The tone she said: again, in. It proved she knew something, and I knew she was going to ask me. Avoiding her eyes, I looked at the steering wheel.

"Justin look at me," she demanded. Taking my eyes off the steering wheel, I looked back at my mom.

"Justin be honest. Why do I have to keep picking you up at the diner?," my mom asked. Sighing, I tried to come up with a lie. My mom shook her head. She knew I was attempting to come up with a lie. Letting out a huge sigh, I knew I was going to have to tell her the truth.

My mom raised her eyebrows, expecting me to answer right away. But she knew me better than that. I waited for a minute to pass by. She patiently waited for my answer.

"Mom I was just on a date with Selena," I admitted. Well that was the partial truth. Selena was here for awhile earlier today. Then we left, so I guess it could be considered a date. My mom raised her eyebrows. 'Why didn't she believe me?,' I thought.

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