Chapter 29: Full Time?

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Selena's P.O.V.

Rushing off campus, I got in my car and began to drive home. Luckily, Taylor hadn't caught me. To be honest, I was relieved Justin wasn't at school today. With him not being there, Taylor didn't have to push me to ask him for money. But don't get me wrong, I wanted him to be there too. Speaking of which, where was he? Beginning to speed, I rushed home.

Pulling up to my house, I pulled the key out of the ignition then threw it into my purse. Digging through my purse, I searched for my phone. Right now all I could think about was Justin, I had to text him. Sighing, I gave up. Guess I would have to use my house phone.

Getting out of the car, I slammed the car door behind me. Walking up to the porch, I looked up. Dropping my purse, I ran up to him and threw myself into his arms.

Resting my head on his chest, I then felt his cheeks rise up. Which signaled a smile. Taking my head off his chest, I pecked his cheek then smiled at him. This was much better than a phone call.

"Babe! I was worried about you! you weren't at school....wait, where were you?," I asked curiously. Justin unwrapped one arm from me.

Using the arm wrapped around me, he lead me over to the swinging bench on my front porch. While we sat down, Justin unwrapped his arm from me then took my hand.

Judging by the look in his eyes, I knew he was serious. Biting my bottom lip, I became nervous. Looking down, I noticed which hand Justin had grabbed; the one with the J-ring.

Oh no! Now I knew this was definitely serious. Looking back up at him, I noticed that he was hesitant. I quit biting my bottom lip so Justin wouldn't think I was nervous. But I was.

"Selena I'm sorry I wasn't at school. And I'm also sorry because I might not be coming back," Justin admitted.

Not coming back? What was he talking about? Justin gripped my hand a little tighter. Now I was beyond worried.

Justin's P.O.V.

Seeing the worry in Selena's eyes, made me feel terrible. How was I supposed to tell her this? It's not that I was upset that I wasn't going to school with her. It's just that I was upset that I wouldn't get to see her as much anymore. Just thinking about it killed me.

"What do you mean, you might not be coming back?," Selena asked with worry. Looking at Selena, I thought, 'Oh Selena. Don't look at me like that.' Swallowing, I took a deep breathe. This was going to hurt her as much as it hurt me.

"Well today Scooter found a personal tutor for me. But they came from our school! So it's kind of like I'm still there, but not really.... My mom went to the school and pulled me out. Basically, explained why I need to be home schooled. But I did get my mom and Scooter to agree on something though. If I don't like it, I can go back to normal school. So we'll see what happens."

"Oh, so how long are you going to try this for?," Selena asked with her head down. Her hair covered her profile. She probably had tears in her eyes, and didn't want me to see them. Sighing, I looked down at the floor. 'Trust me babe, this hurts me too.'

"We'll we're going to try this out because I'm moving out to LA, full time. Scooter and my mom discussed it this morning," I said softly. Selena looked over at me when I said "full time". Here came the tears. Her eyes began to water up. Seeing her like this, brought water in my eyes and pain to my heart.

"Full time?," she asked sadly. With sad eyes, I nodded. Taking my arms, I wrapped them around Selena and held her tightly. Selena buried her face in my chest and began crying. 'Babe, I love you so much,' I thought. Selena continued to cry into my chest.

Feeling her cry against my chest made me feel so guilty. Why did I have to leave? Why couldn't she just come with me to LA? More importantly, why couldn't Scooter just bring the recording studio here Selena wiped her eyes on my chest then looked up at me. Kissing her forehead, I tried my best to avoid her eyes. But I couldn't.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Selena smiled at me. I was going to miss her so much. Selena wiped the rest of her tears away. "I love you," she said while fighting back tears. 

"Babe, I love you so much," I replied while beginning to tear up. This sucked so much. Really, I thought it would be fine to move out to LA. But it wasn't.

Scooter's car pulled up and my mom's car was following behind him. Looks like it was time to go. But I couldn't go yet! Not now. I hadn't said everything I wanted to say to Selena yet. Selena looked over at the cars, then back at me. Tears reappeared in her eyes as she shook her head.

Her face read: you-can't-go. 'Babe, I want to go but then I don't. I just don't want to leave you here. I'll miss you too much,' I thought while I heard car doors slamming.

Pressing my lips on Selena's we kissed each other passionately. We kissed each other as if it was the last time we were ever going to see each other. The kiss then grew intense. I didn't want her lips to leave mine. 

'Selena I love you,' I thought as we continued to kiss. Our lips parted perfectly, creating a perfect position. Selena then bit down on my bottom lip before she pulled away. We both smiled at each other.

Scooter cleared his throat, "Sorry to interrupt you two. But Justin we need to get on the road." Nodding, Selena and I got up from the swinging bench. We immediately wrapped our arms around each other and held each other tightly. Selena, I'm going to miss your hugs.

"Just text me and call me everyday. I can't live a day without hearing your voice," Selena cried. Holding her tighter, I replied, "I can't live a day without hearing your voice either. So make sure to call me too." Selena and I let go of each other. Both of our eyes were filled with tears.

Scooter motioned for me to follow him to the car. Quickly, I kissed Selena's cheek then followed behind him. Getting in the car, I sat down in the passenger seat. Buckling my seat belt, I looked out the window.

"So you excited kid?," Scooter asked while starting the car. Shrugging, I didn't know what to answer. This was definitely going to be a change. Right now, I wasn't sure if this was going to make things better or worse.

Looking at Selena through the window, we both blew each other a kiss then caught it. Scooter then took off. Now we're off to LA. Already, I miss Selena.

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