Chapter 55: Sorry Scooter

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Selena’s P.O.V.

Stepping out on stage, I felt my heart racing. It at least had to be beating 100 beats a minute. Going to the center of the stage, I could feel myself shaking. My legs felt like Jell-O and I felt like I was going to fall at any second. I stopped in the center of the stage, which they had marked and looked out into the audience.

Ignoring all the eyes and clapping, my eyes examined the front row. Once I saw Justin, my eyes locked on him. He shot a smile at me and had a look on his face that read: Babe what are you doing up there? Just smiling back, I was then signaled to look over at the camera.

Next to the camera there was a screen with a script. The script began to slowly roll up. I just continued to smile. A line went up the screen. In the ear piece they had given me, someone was yelling at me that I needed to start.

“Oh I’m supposed to start talking now,” I laughed. The audience laughed. Most of it sounded fake to be honest.

“Tonight we are honoring four new artists that have—Ahhh! Stop scrolling up so fast,” I laughed. The audience laughed. Well I was being honest; it was going to fast to read.

“Hurry up,” someone grunted into my ear piece. Hey, you were the ones that asked me to come out here. I didn’t want to, but you all insisted that I come out here. Plus I was doing a pretty good job at it, minus the laughing. The words left the screen. ‘Great,’ I thought sarcastically.

“Okay so if you look over at the screen,” I pointed over to the screen, “You’ll see the nominees.”

The screen began to show portions of the nominee’s music videos. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. Goodness, Justin was going to make fun of me about this for weeks.

The scenes stopped rolling and someone ran out with an envelope and the award. They handed me the envelope. Carefully, I took the paper out of the envelope. Seeing the name, I smiled.

“Justin Bieber!,” I exclaimed while revealing it to the audience. Everyone cheered and I immediately looked over at Justin.

Justin’s P.O.V.

Once Selena yelled my name and revealed it to the audience, I immediately smiled. Getting up from my seat, I quickly hugged Scooter then my mom. Due to my sagged pants, I waddled up the steps of the stage. Taking the award from the worker, they then left the stage.

I went over to Selena and hugged her tightly. Her hug showed how proud she was of me. Letting go of her, she handed me the microphone. Smiling at her, I then turned and faced the audience. To be honest, I didn’t think I was going to win this award. Sure Scooter said I was going to win, but the other artists in the category were great.

Looking at the audience, I said, “Wow. Thank you all so much. First of all, I want to thank the other great artists in the category,” then I stared off into the audience. What I heard Selena saying backstage earlier, kept running through my head.

She didn’t want to be here. I wasn’t sure why Selena was on stage but it was obvious that it wasn’t planned out like this. Bottom line, Selena didn’t want to be here. She wanted to be at our senior prom. My eyes went over to Scooter.

He was looking at me with confusion. The rest of the audience probably were looking at me the same way; since I was just standing here and not saying my acceptance speech. Swallowing, I knew what I had to do.

As much as I loved doing this, I couldn’t. It had affected mine and Selena’s relationship so much. But this is what I love to do. Sometimes you have to give up something you love, for the one you love. This isn’t the right place. I’m sorry Scooter, seriously.

“Scooter, my beloved Beliebers, I just want to thank you for helping me win this tonight. If it wasn’t for you guys I wouldn’t be where I am today. And I’m sorry, but I’m officially retiring,” I admitted while looking over at Scooter. His eyes were wide and his jaw dropped to the floor.

He shook his head and hissed, “Kid what are you doing?” All of the audience gasped. Swallowing, I looked over at Selena and signaled for her to come over here. Her facial expression showed she was just as shocked as the audience. Selena came over to me and I handed her the award, keeping the microphone in my hand.

“Babe what are you doing babe?,” Selena whispered. Smiling at Selena, I thought, ‘What I should’ve done a long time ago.’ I took Selena’s hand, and held it tightly. Yes, I knew I was running over the amount of time my speech was supposed to be. But no one had told me to stop, not yet at least.

Looking back over at the audience, I said with a smile, “Now the first thing I am going to do with my retirement is to take my beautiful girlfriend to out senior prom. Goodnight! I love you guys, and thank you for all the support!”

Looking over at Scooter and my mom, they both sprung up from their seats. They began to head backstage. Oh no! Selena and I need to get out of here. Tightening my grip on Selena’s hand, I began to lead her backstage. The audience clapped, their clapping showed that they were confused about what I had just said in my speech.

“Justin please don’t retire! I love you!,” a fan shouted. Ignoring them, I continued backstage with Selena. I had to beat Scooter and my mom. If they caught us, they would never let us leave. I took one last glance at the audience, might as well make my fan’s day.

“I’m sorry, and I love you too!” I yelled back. I looked back forward and we were now backstage. Ruby and Taylor both ran up to us.

“Justin, you aren’t serious, are you?,” Taylor asked with confusion. Nodding, I was dead serious. As much as I loved doing this, I knew that it was the right thing to do.

“But there’s no way you’re going to make it to prom. It’s impossible,” Taylor said. Taylor nothing is impossible. I just won 3 awards and performed at an award show. If that’s possible, anything is; which includes, going to prom.

“We’ll make it. Are you coming or not?,” I asked. Taylor was staring at me with wide eyes. She was still trying to comprehend everything. ‘Taylor hurry. My mom and Scooter are coming, they will be here any minute,’ I thought. Taylor finally nodded. I looked over at Ruby.

“Ruby do you mind-“

“Kid hurry up! Just find a way out of here. You three have the time of your lives at your prom. I’ll hold them off, as long as I can,” Ruby assured with a smile. Smiling back at her, we all joined in for a quick group hug.

“Now hurry up. You guys have a long drive ahead of you. Now hurry, before they get here,” Ruby demanded while shooing us away. We nodded then headed for an exit. 

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Hey guyssss,

Just wanted to let you know that this fanfic will be wrapping up next week :'(

I love you guys so so so much 

much love,

jessica xoxo

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