Chapter 32: I forgive you

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***Pattie's P.O.V.***

Scooter's eyes widened. We both didn't expect for Jeremy to show up; especially me. Scooter looked at the floor and pursed his lips. Justin's voice filled the studio. He sounded great. Focusing back on Scooter, he was trying to come up with a plan. He looked back at me.

"Let him in. We can't keep him away from Justin. Just bring him into one of the conference rooms. Tell him he'll have to wait there until Justin is done recording. Then leave and come back here. Once Justin is done, we'll bring him to see his dad."

Nodding, I decided to go along with Scooter's plan. Taking one last glance at Justin, I could imagine Justin's face when he saw his dad. He was probably going to be happy, but also confused. Closing the door behind me, I left the studio and went out into the paring lot.

Eyeing Jeremy's car, I walked over to it. Going over to the driver's side, I attempted to look through the window. The tint was so dark that I could only see Jeremy's silhouette. Knocking on the glass door, the window began to roll down. Taking my hand off the glass, I waited for the window to fully roll down. The window came down revealing Jeremy.

He was wearing dark sunglasses, and his lips were curled into a half smile. Smiling back at him, I tried not to look shocked. He took his sunglasses off and set them on the dashboard. Looking back at me, he made me take a deep breathe.

"You don't have to wait in your car. If you want you can come and wait in the studio," I said. Jeremy nodded. He rolled up his window. 'Wait are you coming or not?,' I thought. The door flew open, making me take steps back; since I nearly got hit by the door. He slammed the door behind him, then locked his car.

"Oh sorry did my car door hit you?," he asked kindly. Shaking my head, I saw a change in Jeremy. It had now been a few weeks, or was it a month?, since our divorce that is. Either way we divorced, and that was that. Leading Jeremy into the the studio, Justin's voice filled the studio.

"I'd like to be, everything you want. Hey girl, let me talk to you."

Every time Justin sang, he blew me away. Always put a smile on my face. He was just amazing. Looking over at Jeremy, he was smiling also. Justin's singing always had a way of doing that.

"That's Justin singing. Isn't it?," he asked with happiness. Shooting a smile, I nodded. Justin's singing continued to fill the studio. Leading Justin into the first conference room, I opened the door. Signaling for him to go in, he went in the conference and sat down in the seat.

"Once Justin's done recording, I'll bring him in here to see you. So will you be fine waiting in here?," I asked from the doorway. It was hard to believe there was nothing awkward between us. Which was not only great for us, but for Justin.

Closing the door, I went back over to the room where Justin was recording. Taking my seat next to Scooter, I looked at Justin in the booth. Feeling Scooter's eyes staring at me, I knew he was going to ask if I followed along with his plan. Without looking at him, I nodded.

Right now, all I needed was to focus on Justin. Him singing, and his dad. But more importantly, how was I going to tell Justin that? Jeremy was here. For now, I was just going to focus on Justin singing. It just gave me more time to think about how I was going to tell him.

Justin finished recording and came out of the booth. Justin walked over to me and gave me a huge hug. The smile on his face. He was so happy. I loved seeing him like this, and to see how much fun he was having doing all of this. Justin and I let go of each other.

"Mom how did I do?," he asked with a smile. Always looking for approval. Smiling, I hoped that would give him his answer. Now it was time for me to tell him about his dad being here. Taking a deep breathe, I looked into his eyes.

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