Chapter 15: You Can't Make Me

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Justin's P.O.V.

After changing and locking up the diner, I ran to my mom's car and got in the passenger seat. Shutting the door, I saw she was looking at the gear shift. Probably to avoid my eyes. It was so awkward that I could taste it. Remembering back to what my mom said, I tried to figure out what she meant by: I'm taking you home.

What did that even mean? I'm taking you home. We didn't have a house right now. So how could she take me home? Also I noted the way she emphasized the word: you. It's like she was going to leave me somewhere. My eyes widened. Wait, was she?

"Mom what do you mean by: I'm taking you home, ?," I asked with nervousness. She buckled her seat belt, I looked back over at my mom. She adjusted the mirror then pulled out.

The drive to where ever we were going made me tense up. Her eyes had sadness and tension in them. Where was she taking me? Looking out the window, I looked at the silhouettes of the buildings. It was hard to make out the surroundings. The car stopped and I saw where we were.

Shaking my head, I put tension on my feet. There was no way she was making me stay here. Angrily, I looked over at my mom. She rolled her eyes then turned the car off. We both shook our heads. We were going to be here for awhile.

"You can't make me, you can't make me," I argued. My mom shook her head. Who did she think she was? Telling me to go back and move in with my dad.

There was no way I was going to live with him. I haven't even talked to him since that day Selena and I came here and when, I punched him, plus I was still angry with him. Plus he probably didn't want to see me.

"Justin just listen to me. I know you don't want to stay with your dad. But honestly sweetie, you know it's for the best. The last thing I want you to worry about is me and a house during your senior year. You need to be worried about college. With where I'm at right now, I just can't do that to you. I love you, and that's why I am doing this," my mom explained.

'Yeah, but you can't make me,' I thought. I could see where my mom was coming from, but I didn't agree with it. Was she even talking about my dad? How could I be in a better place with him? This was the guy who kicked us out on the street! There was no way he could take better care of me than my mom was.

"Mom, it's fine. It doesn't bother me to worry about you. When you worry it shows you care. Which is exactly the opposite of what dad is doing. If he cared we wouldn't be on the streets-"

"Justin I know this. But listen to yourself. You're on the streets. I don't want that for you. Now get out of the car, grab your things, and go home," she demanded. Shaking my head, I refused. How could my mom be so demanding? It's not like my dad cared about me anyways.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored her demands. There was no way I was getting out of this car. Especially if getting out of this car meant I had to live with my dad. Nope, not getting out of this car. Nothing could make me change my mind.

"Justin please, for me," my mom begged. Except for that. Rolling my eyes, I opened the car door. I didn't like anything about this idea my mom had. But since it was for her, I guess I would have to go with it. Even though I completely disagreed with everything about it.

After taking my boxes out of the car, I slammed the back door behind me. Walking up to the door, I wished my mom would help me with these boxes. But she had a good reason for not coming with me. If I was her, I wouldn't come either. Standing on the porch, I reluctantly rang the doorbell.

Looking back, I saw my mom's eyes glued on me. Knowing her, I knew she wouldn't leave until she saw me go inside. The door opened as I looked back at the door. There in the doorway was my dad. Swallowing, I heard the sound of my mom's car start then drive off.

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