Chapter 45: (EXTENDED Cut): Out

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Hey guyssss,

So my wattpad is being so weird right now. I have tried so many things to fix chapter 45: It's Hard, to try and get it before the EXTENDED cut. Everything I'm trying is not working. I suggest reading it on a mobile device, because it seems to be working fine there. Anyways thank y'all so much for reading!!!

Love y'alll sooooooooo much

Much love,

jessica xoxo

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Justin's P.O.V.

There was a knock at the door. No footsteps. Then I remembered that Scooter and my mom had left an hour ago to the studio to put some things together. This was the first time they had left me alone, ever since they noticed my behavior change. Pulling the covers more over my head, I knew they would leave after awhile.

5 minutes passed, and they were still knocking on the door. Lethargically, I got out bed and threw on a comfy jacket. Leaving my bedroom, I slowly traveled to the front door. They continued to knock on the door. I swear if it was Scooter and my mom knocking because they forgot their key, I was going to be furious.

Opening the door, my eyes grow wide. I'm in shock. What is she doing here? She smirks at me, then just enters without a proper greeting. She closes the door behind herself. I just stare at her with confusion along with shock. Then she laughs a little.

"I see that you're happy to see me," she laughs out. Shaking my head, I break my trance of confusion. She then begins to walk around the hotel room then makes herself comfortable on the couch. She stares at me.

"Well...." she asked.

Going over to the couch, I asked, "Barbara what are you doing here? I asked you to stay out of my life. So what do you want?"

She signals for me to sit down next to her. Reluctantly I sit down next to her. Why couldn't my mom and Scooter be here? Having Barbara here meant that I had to be social and I honestly was missing my bed so much right now.

"I came here to apologize in person, since you wouldn't allow me to do so over the phone. Now can I begin?," she asked with a raised eyebrow. I simply nod. As long as I don't have to talk, and all she's here for is to apologize. Then she'll be on her way, then I can go back to my bed and continue to cry.

"I'm sorry that I sold that picture to all those gossip websites," she begins. My jaw drops. She's the one who leaked the picture! How am I ever supposed to forgive her for this? Opening my mouth, I begin to ask her a question.

She rudely interrupts, "Ah ah ah. I'm apologizing. Hold your questions till the end." An attractive smirk forms on her lips. Nodding, I signal for her to continue.

"Now as I was saying, I'm sorry about leaking the picture. But you need to understand, that I needed some publicity for the film I'm about to be in. My manager is the one who suggested it, and I went along with it. I just want to let you know how terrible I feel about all of this," she admitted.

"So you feel bad that you wrecked my relationship with Selena?," I asked.

She nods.

"Do you also feel bad about all the publicity you are getting?," I asked.

She chuckles, "Of course not darling. That's the reason why I did all of this." When she called me darling I literally froze. From the back of the hotel room, I hear my phone ring. It wasn't Barbara, so it had to be Scooter or my mom. Selena wouldn't bother to call me again.

When I ask Barbara if she is done apologizing, she shakes her head. She puts her purse back on her shoulder, then takes my hand as she gets up from the couch. Looking up at her with confusion, my eyebrows furrow. She giggles.

"What are you doing?," I asked.

She helps me up from the couch then begins to lead me over to the door. Slowly I follow behind her. She opens the door then signals for me to go out. Standing in the doorway, I'm now more confused than I was when I first saw her at the hotel room.

"I'm taking you out; no this is not a date. It's an apology dinner. I set it up, with out my manager's consent, it was all my idea. Remember it's not a date. Plus I know you haven't been out lately," she says.

"What are you stalking me now?," I chuckle.

She rolled her eyes. "No you dummy. There is a thing called the Internet."

"Ooooh so you check up on me now?," I raised my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes again.

"Do you want to go this apology dinner or not?," she asks holding my hand tighter.

Shrugging, I finally agree. Barbara leads the way, still holding my hand as tight as ever. The whole elevator ride down, she tells me how excited she is about how I agreed to come with her. All I do is shrug. Honestly, I don't know if it such a good idea to be going out on an apology dinner with Barbara.

All I know is, when I get out there, I will be attacked with questions. I'm not prepared for that. We leave the elevator then begin to leave the hotel. When we exit from the hotel, there are only paparazzi. Have they been really waiting all this time for me to leave?

Barbara escorts me to her car through the swarm of the paparazzi and the flashes. She let's go of my hand, as I board into her car. After we board in, the car takes off. Looking around the limousine, I smile. Barbara truly did travel in style.

"So where are we going for this apology dinner?," I asked.

"It's a surprise," she smirked.

Selena's P.O.V.

Crying into my pillow, it's now been well over an hour of me trying to reach Justin. He still hasn't called me back or picked up his phone. Did this mean that he truly wanted to break up with me? Taking out my phone from under my pillow, the thought occurred in my head to call him again. But I already knew that he wouldn't pick up.

The only thing I can think of to find out what Justin is doing is to look him up. Reluctantly, I look him up. Should I even be doing this to myself? It's obvious that he doesn't want to be with me. He would've answered his phone by now, if he wanted to talk to me.

The first thing to pop up is a picture with the article next to it captioned: "Selena who? After the quiet week with no sight of him, Justin Bieber steps out with Barbara Palvin." Seeing the picture broke my heart. There Justin was leaving the hotel hand in hand with Barbara.

She was quite dressed up, but he was on the casual side. He still looked sexy though. Selena stop! He's cheating on you with Barbara.

But how could I call this cheating? He just made it official. He's holding hands with Barbara, and they are going out together in a limo! He's over me and wants to be with Barbara.

Shutting off my phone, I cry into my pillow. I can't believe this. He wants to be with Barbara and not me. I guess this is what I get for kissing with Nick. But I totally regretted that, but karma doesn't make an exception.

I hate you karma.

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