Chapter 19: Are You Crazy?

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Justin's P.O.V.

It was hard knowing that I had to leave Selena. But I guess this opportunity was worth it. Telling Scooter to pull over, he looked at me confused, but pulled over anyways. That was weird. My mom usually parked here. Looking at the clock, I saw it was 4 o'clock. Great. Just a little too early.

"So why are you here? I thought we were going to your house," Scooter said. Rolling my eyes, I couldn't believe him. Was he doing this to make fun of me? Selena had told him what happened. So was he doing this to mock me?

"Wow. I can't believe that I fell for it. Well it's not like I wanted to do it anyways. Just stop mocking me already," I said angrily. Scooter looked at me confused.

"Kid what are you talking about?," he asked. Rolling my eyes, I was so annoyed with him. He should've been an actor instead of a music manager.

"How long are you gonna keep this up? You said yourself that Selena told you about my situation," I said. Scooter brought his hand up to his head. He shook his head while murmuring, "I'm an idiot." He looked back at me. The look in his eyes showed he was sorry. Maybe he didn't know about my situation.

"She just said that you were in a situation. She didn't tell me any details. I swear. Now that I'm here....I see. I'm sorry about what's happening," Scooter said. Nodding, I looked out the window. Honestly, I hated telling people about my mom and I living in a car. Only Selena and now Scooter. Well at least it was people that I could trust. At least,  I think that I can trust Scooter.

Around a little after 4 o'clock, my mom's car pulled up and past by Scooter's. Scooter and I got out of his car, once my mom stopped her car. Going over to the driver's window, I tapped on the window. My mom's eyes traveled over to Scooter. Backing up from the car, my mom got out of the car. She slammed the door behind her.

"Are you crazy?!? Following my son around! Don't you have a life?," my mom screamed. Rushing over to my mom's side, I tried to calm down. Why was she even mad at Scooter? She continued to look at Scooter with anger. He backed up a little, giving us our space.

"Mom, mom! Calm down. He wasn't following me. Selena called him and we wanted to talk to you about something," I said. She looked at me and back at Scooter. By the look in her eyes, I could tell she was trying to determine if I was telling the truth or not.

"About what?," my mom asked curiously. Looking over at Scooter, I smiled. He smiled at me then smiled at my mom. Scooter had a plan, and hopefully it was a good one. Scooter moved closer to us.

"Pattie, if you don't remember me from Paris, I'm Scooter. Now would you like to go out to dinner and discuss some plans about your son?," Scooter asked. My mom looked at Scooter confused then looked back at me.

Nodding, I hoped she would agree. For some reason, I was actually excited to go to LA and sing in the recording studio.

My mom nodded. Scooter, my mom and I piled into his car. We drove for awhile to get back into town. Scooter pulled up to some restaurant that was nice, that I have never heard of before. We got out of the car, then went into the restaurant. After taking our seats, I saw the serious look on Scooter's face. This was going to be a long dinner.

Picking up a menu, we all quickly ordered. Once our food arrived, I knew Scooter was going to start talking then. The waiter put the food down on the table. Beginning to dig into my food, I looked over at Scooter. We made eye contact then we both nodded.

"So Pattie, do you remember that offer I made Justin back in Paris?," Scooter asked. My mom nodded. She kept a blank face. Hoping she would make a facial expression, I tried to figure out what she was thinking. She continued making a blank face which made me roll my eyes. Finally, she nodded.

"Well Selena contacted me, so that's why I'm here. I'm here to help Justin out. Now I've spoken to him about it, he wants to do it. All we need is the okay from you," Scooter explained. Looking at my mom, I stared at her with hope. She kept her eyes on Scooter.

"Well it depends. I know you want to make Justin famous and all. But you said you talked? What did you talk about? More importantly, what are your plans for him?," my mom asked. 'Goodness, so many questions mom,' I thought.

"Well Justin and I talked about him going out to LA; which are my plans. I wanted to take him to a studio and have him record a song or two. Just so he could feel it. Then I was going to let him decide if this is something he wants to do or not," Scooter explained. My mom nodded. She seemed convinced. But it was hard to tell since she kept a straight face.

Just please say yes. Still not sure of what I was supposed to feel about this situation, I thought. For some reason, I just wanted to do this so bad. But I've had a taste of what fame was like from my experience in Paris. There was no way that I liked it. But might as well give it a second chance. It might be different this time. Who knows?

"Well...." my mom began. Seeing the drive in Scooter's eyes, I knew he wasn't going to give up easily. Honestly, I admired how dedicated he was to this.

***Scooter's P.O.V.***

 Why was it so hard to convince people in this family? Now that I finally got Justin, I had to get his mom to agree. There was no way I was letting go of this kid again. Pattie just needed more assurance on this. And boy was I going to give it to her.

"Also let me add that I am taking you both out to LA. I'm paying for the hotel and everything. All I'm asking is that you come out to LA with me. So what do you say?." I asked

Justin's P.O.V.

My mom let out a sigh then began to think. Seeing the face she was making, I knew what was on her mind. She was making a pros and cons list in her head. But really what were the cons to this? Wow. I actually wanted to do this, more than I thought I did.

"Did I mention that we will be taking my car?," Scooter asked. Laughing, I loved this guy. He wouldn't stop at all. He was serious. Maybe this all happened for a reason. And a good one at that.

My mom smirked then laughed. She nodded. Mine and Scooter's eyes widened. I knew Scooter had the same thing on his mind. 'Was that a yes?' We both stared at her with curiosity. She laughed under her breathe.

"Wait, was that a yes?," Scooter asked with hope. My eyes filled with hope. 'Please be a yes. Please be a yes,' I thought. My mom glanced at me then back at Scooter.

"Yes, that was a yes," she said with a smile.

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