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"His name is park jimin, your next target"

"Yes sir" Jungkook says with a straight face
"Here s his picture. Don t forget what he did to you jungkook you have to take revenge"

Jungkook cringed at jimin s adorable picture but for him he was the ugliest thing ever.

Changmin, the head master of his own mafia, and the enemy of jimim s dad, found jungkook crying helplessly when he was 5 years old.

Jungkook was having the most normal life ever , until that day, he has just returned from his school with a happy face showing his bunny teeth, he was yelling his mother s name to know if she s home.

He searched in every room ,only one left, his parent s bedroom, so, when he opened the door it was the point of non return for him, he saw his parent's dead bodies that were covered in blood, it was horrifying.

jungkook felt the strongest pain in his heart, his vision goes blurred, then, it was all black.
Changmin found him . when jungkook was counscious again, he cried and sreamed when his founder told him that all his familly died,and his only brother was still alive but he don t know where he is.

Then jungkook grew up in Changmin s hands. He hated all human beings especially park s familly. 'Cause Changmin told him that they killed his familly and he obviously trusted him.

"Jimin is studying arts in Seoul University. You will be in the same college as his, and you know what you should do next " Said the head master smirking.

"Yes sir" Jungkook was still wearing his straight face . He felt anger, he hates jimin so much and he will make him suffer a lot.
" You have to make your way to his house and know all his dad s futur plans. Understood?"

Jungkook nodded.

"You ll start next week. You can go now."
Jungkook quitted the big room to go to his . Jungkook was always alone, extrememly smart, and strong phisically. He was living for this, taking his revenge from the park familly.

He wants to make jimin feel the same pain he felt before and more if it s possible, he thinks that jimin have a stupid face, he was disgusted by him.

All jungkook was thinking about, is the ways he will kill jimin, a smirk on his face enjoying his bloody thoughts.

Heyyyy!! My sweet sweet readers, of course if there s any, sorry for my english it s just not my first language so please ignore it. The second part will be updated sooon.😇 See ya

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