the past of my heart

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He did it again, RM did it again.( lowkey the next president).( he's my bias by the way and he just don't want to let my heart live in peace 💘).

( he's my bias by the way and he just don't want to let my heart live in peace 💘)

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Kai POV:

I started to open my eyes slowly as i felt a stinging sensation in my head so i abrutly put my hand above it to feel my hai that was slightly wet, but, why is it...? Omg it's blood!

That realisation made my eyes fly open looking at my now red palm that was covered with blood, i even questioned how i survived it. And as i was still trying to remember how i came up here, i heard two voices a pleading and a bossy one.

"I TOLD YOU TO BRING BOTH OF THEM!" The deap voice says as i remembered everything and my eyes start to water.

"B-but sir, the smaller boy was with Changmin and we didn't want to mess with that guy, we all know how much he's stronger that_" The other voice tried to explain with a trembling voice, but the other interrupted him.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR LIFE! I SAID I WANTED BOTH, KAI AND JUNGKOOK, BUT YOU ONLY BROUGHT ONE. I PAY YOU TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF YOU B*TCH!" I felt cold, i couldn't even move, i wad literally paralized, my whole life flashed in front of my eyes as i heard the voices coming closer and closer i couldn't even cry.

The door opened and i closed my eyes as a reflex, my whole being trembling .

"So so, what do we have here." The deep voice says as i felt a shiver run down my spine, it was horrifying. 'Could it be them? They killed them!'.

"How old are you?" I heard him say but the fact that they killed my parents made me so angry that but i didn't forget, that they're stronger.

I haven't replied, i just ignored his question still trembling but before i make any move i felt a strong and big hand squeezing my cheeks roughly to the point that my teeth began to hurt, i grimaced at the feeling.

"I guess you need dicipline. When i talk to you, you have to answer, simple isn't it?" I began opening my eyes as i looked at the disfigured face in front of me, it was horrifying, my eyes began to water again, as he was talling to me with a really calm tone that didn't really match his rough actions.

"The rules are simple, if you'll be a good boy and work loyally for us, you'll be rewarded, but, if you do anything wrong, or you try to escape, then i'll kill you. And trust me, you don't want to know how." He says looking at me directly in the eyes, he was a monster, like he just came from another different world.

"W-who are you? " I mnaged to say ith a suffocated voice.

"Well, my name is Clay, but never call me that if you want your pretty face to stay there, call me master, or boss, and prove that you 're trustworthy, then, you'll have the best life ever."

I thought about it for a sec, and i found that maybe if i do what he tell me to, i'll get my freedom them, or maybe kill him and escape, but until then, i have to do a whole ass work. But if i don't, then i'm dead.

I just nodded my head not saying anything, my vision was blurred as i couldn't feel my cheeks anymore, he then removed his hand from my cheeks as he placed it in his pocket.

He was about to leave, but before , i heard him say " Starting from tomorrow, you'll get trained." He then closed the door and left a small traumatized boy behind him, i mean we were a perfect family, what happened? I guess i should find answers to all of this.

The next day, i was laying on the little poor and cold bed that was in the dak room half asleep as i was still traumatized by all the things that happened, my heart was hurting so bad, but i'm not going to just sit down and watch, i'll find out about this affair that i'm pretty sure my father's involved in and then i'll find a way to escape and go find my brother.

I sighed when i remembered him, my heart hurting more as our memories were taking me away from reality, his cute little fingers, his chubby cheeks, his bunny smile, his puppy eyes.. This just makes me miss him more, and it'll only hold me back.

Maybe i'm just sixteen, but i guess fate's going to do it's game with me too.

I was still drowning in my imagination as i felt a hand shaking me and a voice telling me to wake up. I "woke up" my eyes half closed , but before i could even respond, i felt a very rough slap lamding on my cheek.

I looked at the owner of the voice , and i was shocked, what is he doing here?

It was his boy crush, baekhyun, he has brow eyes and a very pretty smile with clear skin. Kai has never had the courage to talk to him as the other didn't had a good reputation, but that didn't stop girls from drooling after him, he was such a tease. And kai was more like a very calm person, so you can say that, they weren't alike much.

Kai knew that his crush for 2 years now wasn't a good person, but he never expected that he was involved with such dangerous people! He was shocked but he felt conserened too, he wanted the best for the other.

"Are you going to wake up or what? I'm being really patient with you just because my dad told me to" Baekhyun started making the laying one jolts up ' h-his dad? Don't tell me_' .

"Umm may i ask you a question?" Kai says as his heart was pounding too much, he waited for this moment two whole years, but, it wasn't the same when he imagined it.

"Get up, and then ask." Baekhyun says with a stern voice not really matching his calm and cute features.

I got up immediatly, my face still puffy, my voice horse from all the crying as long as my heart, my hair directed everywhere. He was staring at me for too long so i wondered what's going on, i wasn't aware of my look, but at least i was the cause of his smile so i smiled too like an idiot.

"Can i ask now?"
"Go ahead " He answered shortly.
"What is your relation ship with cl- i mean the boss."
"None of your business." I was kind of taken aback by his answer.
"He's my dad" He aswered after an awkward silence enveloped us.

I'm sorry no jikook again, but this is soo important for the plot, but i promise that jikook will get here really soon.

I'm sorry no jikook again, but this is soo important for the plot, but i promise that jikook will get here really soon

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And i swear jungkook's waist's *crying in i don't know if i'm a boy or a girl*

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