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You know what? Fuck it , imma kicking these madafucking ideas outta my mind.
I'm back bitches

I'm back bitches

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Days and nights went, and kai was still suffering from all the hard work he has been doing, but he cannot deny that he liked all the changes on himself, he have now a well built body, he's a wiser now, in fact, he has become a better person, but he was still afraid, he has never seen his so called boss after their first meeting, he was glad but scared.

He was scared his boss will find out about his feelings for his son, yes, kai was falling slowly for baekhyun, but he knew deep down, that he'll never have a chance with him, he knows that even if the other loves him back, they'll never be able to be together.

(The flashback isn't complete yet , but, we'll go back to the present time)

Kai was still shocked, he never felt colder, he can't hurt jimin in anyway, because first of all, jimin's stronger than him, and secondly, he liked jimin in a friendly way of course, he has nothing against him.

"And if you do any wrong move " Clay started after a long silence in a menacing tone, " Your little disgusting lover will have to pay for it."

"How can you be that hideous, he's your son, and you're out there saying that you'll kill him." Kai responded, his heart refusing to slow down it's pace.

"I don't have gay sons, he's as disgusting as you, so shut up and do what i told you to."

The call ended before kai could say any further, he was froze in place, glasdy eyes and pale face.

He was still in that state until he felt a hand on his shoulder so he spines around finding taehyung looking at him with big eyes surprised by the taller's speed.

"What's going on? You look paler than a vampire." Tae started still looking up at the taller.

"N-nothing's wrong tae" Kai muttered and tae sensed that the other wasn't okay so he made a mental note to tell jimin about it after.

"Let's go back then, the others are waiting" Tae then pulled him toward the car.

Jimin's POV:

We're finally home, my head's still spining because of the long journey we've had so i decided to take a nap.

But i'm scared , when i close my eyes, it's either i see my grandparents suffering, or i see the develish figure that ruined all of my life. I just want to forget anout everything, i wish i can lose all my memories, when i think about it, i've never been happy, yes i have money, some people around me, but something's still missing, and i believe you know what it is.

I just can't stop, i know he's the worst , i know he did horrible things to me, but, something's telling me that his true self's still hiding from this world, yhat he's kind and has a warm heart, that he just need help to free himself.

I was still deep in thought as i hear jin hyung's gentle voice , he was in his wardrobe, he looked fabulous.

"Can we have a private conversation, jimin?" He started as i was looking at him not even caring if i'm crying or not, it doesn't matter anymore, my heart's shattered, nothing can express my feeling, even crying and screaming, my feelings are just deeper than this.

"Of course, come." I responded simply as i start feeling curious about what he will tall to me about.

"Jimin" He started before sighting, now siting beside me on my bed. " You know that i love you right?" Jin continued before stroking my hair softly.

I just nodded enjoying his warmth," You know that i only want you to have the best things , the you're so precious to me" Now i start to get suspicious.

"What's wrong hyung? " I asked looking up at him with softened eyes as i started to get sleepy from all the stroking i've been receiving.

"Jimin,my precious, my sweet sweet jimin, i can't watch you suffer like this without taking amy action, i really want to help you jimin." He sincerely says, i know he want to, but he can't.

"I'm sorry, but nobody can help me now. I've been buried really deep." I said looking at him directly in the eyes to make him quit thinking about helping me.

"No jimin, i can. Look jimin, jungkook isn't the only guy that exist in the world_" I didn't let him continue his sentence as i interrupted him.

"Maybe there are better guys out there than him, but he's the only one the exist in my heart, " I know i souded cheesy, but it's reality, he, one way or another, craved his name in the deepest point in my heart.

Jin kept silent as he looked at me conserned, probably questioning my mental health, i've came all the way to here to just make jungkook regret everything he has done to me, but, here i am crying soundlessly over him.

"Jimin, you'll date another guy" Did i just hear that? Is he serious right now?

"Hyung what are you_"

"Jimin you can't continue being like this, you'll date a guy "

Why in the world would i do that, i'll never love any other guy, i know deep down that that will be just a loss of time, but as i know jin hyung he won't give up on his idea.

Maybe i should just accept and then say that thi gs didn't work out so he won't be upset, my hyung's important for me after all, and he's one of the reasons i haven't committed suicide yet.

"W-who's the guy?" I asked knowing that he already choosed him.

"You know him well, and he's the only one i can trust him with you." He started as i grew more and more afraid about what will happen next.

"I talked to him about it and he accepted, he's Kai, i know you'll go along really well."


They're FaceTiming each other when there in the same hotel😂

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They're FaceTiming each other when there in the same hotel😂.
What did i expect from dorky jikook 😏
Not edited ( as always, bless my laziness)

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