first shock

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"J-jungkook?" Jimin mumbled when he first opened his eyes in an unfamiliar luxurious room, and he has to admit that it was better than his own.

Jimin then stood up looking at the mirror beside him, he was wearing a pajama and it was really loose, but were is he? And who changed his clothes? Could it be jungkook, he thought to himself.

But before he stepped out of the room, he was interrupted by jungkook bringing him his breakfast, "Omg jungkook! You didn t have to do this." Jimin says looking dearly at jungkook.

"No princess, i had to do so." He says before putting the plates on jimin s bed, jimin then went back to bed looking at his meal, it was perfect.

"Thanks, these are my favourite!"

"You mean the pancakes? I made them just for you."

" I know , thank you k-kookie."

Jungkook maintained his sweet behavior toward jimin for 2 weeks now, 2 weeks where Mr Park tried desperatly to find his son, he wanted jimin, he needed jimin, jin was being punished for not guarding jimin well, and taehyung was in his box again lifeless.

Jimin was living his best days with jungkook, he loves jungkook, and he s sure about it, he felt like jungkook is the one for him, and of course jungkook, being the smart butch he is, he studied all of jimin behaviors and knew it all, so he decided to start working on his plan that was all bloody and devilish.

"Jimin? I think it s time for us to be truthful about our feelings. Jimin i love you " Jimin and jungkook were in jungkook s huge garden that has a beautiful view.

Jimin will lie if he says that he didn t know about jungkook s 'feelings', i mean he made it obvious.

"I love you too jungkook." Jimin says looking deeply in jungkook s eyes meaning every word he says unlike jungkook.

"Jimin..." Jungkook says before going on his knee for jimin pulling a silver ring from his poket.

" Marry me jimin." And that caught jimin offguard, he knew that he loves jungkook and all, but he wanted to be boyfriends first and then husbands to just know each other more, but jimin, being the kind and loving human being he is, nodded at jungkook smiling happily at him while jungkook was putting the ring on his finger, jimin then hugged jungkook ' Maybe this is my happy ending .' Jimin thought before giggling on jungkooks shest .

"But baby, we should discuss one thing.."

"Which is..."

"We re not going to do a wedding party, i m sorry"

"Why??" Jimin whined not liking the idea.

"Because if we do it, your dad might know your place, and then we ll probably never see each other again. " Jungkook explained earing an understanding nod from jimin.

"Okay, so when should we sign ?"

"We can now if you want."

"Is it prepared ?! You re inpredictable jungkook. Okay i m down for it."

Jungkook nodded smirking devilishly before standing up to bring the papers.

"Here you are, you sign here." Jungkook says pointing at the paper that jimin signed gladly while chanting in his head "i m getting married ! I m getting married! I m getting married!" .

"Congratulation! We re together now!" Jungkook says hugging jimin with an evil smirk on his face , while jimin hugged him smiling innocently thinking that jungkook is his prince charming, his hero.

'It s okay jimin be happy for today, it s my gift for you. But tomorrow you ll see the reality of your dear beloved husband ' jungkook thought patting on jimin s head .
"Jimin, it s getting dark let's go inside now." Jungkook says standing up followed by jimin.

'Okay, i wasn t expecting that, i m no longer park jimin, i m jeon jimin. But.... Omg! Don t tell me we have to do it tonight. Okaay~ i should get prepared then ' jimin thought to himself but then the realisation hited him, he didn t have clothes for this special event, yes jungkook bought him a lot of clothes, but, not that kind of clothes, you know what i mean.

"Shouldn t we sleep together jungkook?"
"Yes, you clothes has been transfered to our bedroom, but i have work now, see you later" .

"Okay, i ll be waiting for you." Jimin says before entering his beautiful new bedroom, jimin thought that he ll have his best time with his love in this room and smiled at it, he was badly in love but with the very wrong person. He took a really long shower where he shaved and made him smell like strawberry.

Jimin opened the closet hoping that there ll be something there, and fortunatly, he found a really sexy dress that fit him perfectly.

It was composed of a long sleeve lingeries, and a really short dress that barely covered his butt.

'This one s perfect' jimin says to himself looking satisfied by his looks.
He then sneeked out of the room wearing of course a bath dress, cause the other one was only for jungkook s eyes.

He stole a glance inside the taller s office to find him consentrating hard on some 'paper works', he smiled then entered the office without any sound and locking the door behind him.

Jungkook sensed his presence and lifted his head looking at him, but jimin didn t really get what his eyes mean, they re kinda..... Uninterested.

"What?" Jungkook asked the litle boy in front of him .

"What do you mean by what? Can t you see that i'm here for you?" Jimin asked still hoping, he thought that jungkook was only playing with him.

"I m working. Get out now." He says going back to his work. Jimin sensed that his heart broke into small peaces, so he gathered the little peaces of dignity he still has, and went out running to the room.

He banged the door making a loud sound before collapsing on the cold floor, he felt like a worthless bitch, cause the worst thing is to give yourself to someone who ll refuse you. Jimin felt his blood boiling in his systeme, he saw red and went directly to jungkook s office again.

He broke into it, and jungkook was looking at him surprised by his sudden courage .

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY YOU DON T WANT ME JUNGKOOK! IF YOU DON T WANT ME, THAN YOU COULD SIMPLY NOT MARRYING ME, I PREPARED MYAELF JUST FOR YOU, BUT YOU BROKE ME, HOW COULD YOU DO YHIS TO ME. WHO ARE YOU??!" Jimin bursted out but his anger was no longer here when he saw the glare jungkook was giving him.

"SEX! That s all you want Park jimin? Then i ll show you how it is done."

Hey my beautiful fam!! As you can see it s getting spicy 🙈🙊 in here.
And thank you so much for the votes and commentes , i really appreciate it.

Oookay, but have you seen jungkook s blond hair, i mean who are you to disrespect us like that?!

Oookay, but have you seen jungkook s blond hair, i mean who are you to disrespect us like that?!

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