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Late? I know, but i'm sorry to say that i'll update every weekend, because you know school is bitch like karma never did before.
*angry in jikook*

Jimin hasn't push jungkook away so the taller took his chance and deepened the kiss, and surprisingly, not for him of course, jimin kissed back and jungkook just wondered how much the smaller love him.

Jimin was so lost in the moment that he haven't notice the box that contain the diamond is abandoned on the floor, but jungkook was well aware of it , so as jimin was kissing jungkook eyes closed, he didn't even notice the loud helicopter sound, but jungkook did, the taller knew that his friend's in there waiting for him so they could escape.

So in a swift move, jungkook pushed jimin, but not that hard, just enough for him to get over the taller, he then grabbed the box and ran to get into the helicop that wasn't that high from the floor, leaving again a broke, shocked and left behind jimin who just realised what was jungkook's plan.

Jimin felt stupid, worthless, helpless about his life, he just submitted to jungkook again. His mind was blank, he couldn't think of anything beside jumping off that rooftop to end his miserable life, 'what will i say to them?' He said to himself as he thought about all the hard work his team did all the past week.

Jimin felt like crying as he saw the helicopter getting away to just disappear in the end, he was about to cry but sounds of people going up stairs to where he was, so he thought he'll just pretend to be at the same state as them .

But surprisingly, he saw tae coming, he didn't know what to say nor what to do, he just stayed still looking at the other with sad puppy eyes that made him worried.

"Chim? What happened? Where's the box? And why do you look're about to cry? " The smaller didn't answer, he just avoided eyes contact with tae wishing he never loved jungkook.

"Look, the cops aren't here anymore, we can go freely now. But i don't understand what happened?" Tae says conserned as jimin felt his eyes tearing up again.

"C-can we t-talk about this later?" Jimin says before a hot tear left his eyes."please" He says pleadingly as his voice cracked.

"O-okay, let's go then. The others are waiting." Tae finished before dragging jimin to finally leave the hotel.

They found the others waiting patiently for them, with jin in the driving seat and namjoon beside and kai behind. Jin looked at his brother immediately knowing something's going on.

"Namjoon, can you go to the back seat please? I want jimin to sit next to me." Jin says looking at his lover with puppy eyes.
"But i want_" He stopped talking as jin gave him a death look.

"Okay" Namjoon finally says amd hurried to the back seat knowing what jin's capable of.

Jin saw jimin being dragged lifeless toward them, he felt his heart stinging as he remembered the last time he saw him in this state, his heart was breaking more and more as jimin and tae got closer .

Kai and namjoon looked at jimin excitedly waiting for the diamond they longed for all the week, but when they looked at his hand, there was, nothing.

They arrived in front of the huge car as jimin went in ignoring the world as he was emprisoned in his own, jin knew that something went wrong with him and jungkook, and this just increased his regrets and angriness of letting them go the first day, he should've stop them, but, he just burried his brother with his own hands.

Tae just sat in back seat too as the other gave him a questionable look as he replied with the same, so kai decided to make a move and ask .

"So jimin, what happened?" Jimin didn't even hear him still thinking of the blank.
"I guess we should ask this this later okay?" Jin said interrupting the calmyhat took over them for the last seconds.

"O-okay, so, where are we going?" Tae asked knowing that their journey will be tomorrow so they need a place to sleep in for the night.

"Well, the nearest hotel's very far away from here, so i guess we won't be there until the night" Jin replied starting the car still looking at jimin who was staring blankly at one point, all the painful memories rushing back through his pure mind that was ruined by no other than the jeon jungkook.

They were still on their way to the other hotel as jin and jimin were the only ones who were still awake, the others just fell asleep sfter half an hour.

So jin took the opportunity to ask jimin about what happened, he stopped the car and that didn't even surprised the small boy sitting next to him.

"Jimin? " Jin started putting his hand on the smaller as he didn't even flinch by the contact.

So jin knew words won't heal him this time, in fact he was always sick, sick of jungkook's fake love, sick of his life.

Jin removed his seatbelt to hug the smaller tightly whispering words like 'it'll be okay' 'i'll help you' 'i'm always by your side', and this seemed to calm jimin a bit so he let his hot tears out , crying his heart out on jin's shoulder as he hugged him back. Jin just kept patting on his back feeling his tears building up too.

"It's jungkook right?" Jin asked as calm as possible.

"C-can we go out? Just for a second p-please?" Jimin says looking up at the older with puppy eyes .

"Sure" Jin shortly replied as the both of them went out of the car.

So when jimin felt okay to share his pain, he just explained what happened knowing that jin would never judge him and will help him survive this one too.

Jin didn't expect better behavior from jungkook, but, he felt anger building up inside him, he was angry at himself, angry at jungkook, and angry at jimin for loving that asshole.

His protectiveness took over as he didn't know what to do so he did the worst thing he has ever done in his life. He slapped jimin.

12,7 K??! Are you serious? Is this a prank?
Thank you guys so much, you're just amazing 💕😍 , i love my beautiful readers, hope you enjoyed.

12,7 K??! Are you serious? Is this a prank?Thank you guys so much, you're just amazing 💕😍 , i love my beautiful readers, hope you enjoyed

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*cough* *cough* +19 ? Now i know why.😏

Not edited😁

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