Please love me

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The next morning~

Jimin finds himself laying on a very comfy bed, as he was trying to open his eyes, he saw a figure smiling at him, which he assumed is a doctor. Jimin wasn t laying in a normal positing, he was on his back with his legs held up with a metal, he felt so sore and hurt. At that point jimin wasn t remembering anything from last night.

Suddenly jimin began to scream and cry with an ill voice from all the screaming from last night, jungkook raped him. He remembered it all, and all he was thinking about is to comeback home. Jimin s screams made the doctor panick and call jungkook for help.

"Mr jungkook!" The doctor yelled fixing jimin s agitated arms on the bed.

"No!! Please don t c-call him! Pleaaase! " Jimin begged eyes full of tears that can t break free.

Aftee a moment jungkook came to the room a smirk on his face looking at jimin who was shaking furiously with an expression of fear and disgust, and this doesn t made him regret anything, but he was proud.

"You can go now." Jungkook says to the doctor looking at jimin s soul. The doctor exits the room.

Jungkook then approached jimin more, he was smirking while jimin was shaking in fear.

"Good morning princess." Jungkook says before chuckling " Hope you ve had a good night. Because you ll get a lot like this one, so you should be prepared for all of them  ,okay? " Jungkook says with a sweet voice that has nothing to do with his intentions.

"W-what do you want from me jungkook? Who are you?" Jimin says between sobs.

"Aaaw! Don t cry little jiminie." He says caressing jimin s shees making the latter cringe and shiver at the same time.

"Don't you love me anymore?" Jimin says feeling his heart aching.

Jungkook changed his expression hearing jimin s question.

"Look jimin " Jungkook begins after a mental fight with himself to not kill jimin then and there. " I don't love you, and i ve never loved you. I hate you park jimin. You can t imagine how much i want to kill you right now. But, i have to make you feel the same way your dad made me feel, lonely and broken, he's gonna die anyways, so i prefered playing with you instead."

" I didn t do anything wrong, i i love you jungkook, you can t do this to me please, i know my dad is bad person, but i m different jungkook, i can t live without you, i didn t have anything to live for , but now i live for you jungkook, i m prepared to forget what happened last night. Just please love me jungkook. Let s be happy jungkook"

Jimin says sincerly cupping jungkook s hand with his small ones as his lip was trembling slightly waiting for jungkook s answer.

Jungkook just snashed his hand glaring at him.

" I swear park jimin, if the doctor hasn t tell me you ll be dead if i fuck you one more time, i ll be ripping your ass now! And don t you dare fucking touch me again you ugly peace of shit!" Jungkook then exits the room leaving a shoked and broke jimin inside, ' i m his husband how could he do this to me?' Suddenly jungkook s last night s words came back to his mind.

'What did he mean by three months, will i be divorsed after that, jungkook don t love me. I can t blame him, i m not enough for him, i deserve this, everyone hates me , i think that s how i m supposed to live ' jimin was lost in his own mind trying to find answers when a cought brought him back into reality. It was the doctor.

" Mr jeon, do you feel hurt, can i help you with something?" Jimin then was smart enough to think about his university so he demanded a medical certificate that the doctor gladly gave him. Jimin was planing to go and have a one year pose from university and then visit his dear grandparents that he missed a lot, but he ll do it all without telling jungkook.

It has been four days now and jimin s still on the bed, he was planing on doing his plan today, he thought about how to escape the mansion.

Jungkook wasn t home today, so he thought that it s his chance . (A/N : sorry, i m just lazy toThink how he ll escape :3)

Finally he 's free, so the first thing he did was to go and give his certificate to the university, then he went to his grandparents house.

When jimin saw then, he just burst into tears hugging them both, they didn t wan t to pressure him to tell them what happened but they tried to make him feel better, jimin cried his eyes out hugging his grandmother tightly while Mark was patting his back trying to calm him down, and it works.
They talked after and even made jimin laugh with their dorky action and lovely relation ship.

But after jimin quits the house planing on returning to the mansion, he felt someone covering his mouth with a weird smelling tissue that made jimin feel dizzy but could listen to what the man behind him was saying, he seemed like he was talking on the phone.

" I found him sir.... Yes i ll bring him back as fast as possible."

Jimin knew at that moment, he fucked up.


Heeeey,  i know i m late sorryyy.

So Epiphany just slayed my life, jin got me shooketh, his voice is beautiful and blond jin is baaack, YAAAAS! I m excited for the comeback though.

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