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Late? I know i was... studying?
*sight* okay i'm lazy, i'm the laziest person alive, sorry for that.

 studying? *sight* okay i'm lazy, i'm the laziest person alive, sorry for that

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Our kookie was crying because he couldn't perform😢 he's so precious.❣

"Jungkook?" Jimin says shocked as he was looking eyes wide looking at the guy he thought is fighting for him.

Jungkook took in a swift move kai's gun and pointed it on him instead, kai didn't even knew what happened as everything went in less than a second, but he knew that he was screwed, he still was thinking abot the powerless boy waiting for him to save him.

"What are you doing here?" Said a new voice, it was youngi, jungkook didn't even answer him as he was glaring intensly at kai ready to shoot but jimin was fast enough to stop him before doing so as he saw the vulnerable state kai was in.

"The fuck are you doing?!" Jungkook yelled at jimin who flinched at the sudden voice that filled the air. Jungkook tried to snatch the gun from jimin's hand but the latter emptied it quickly making jungkook grow angrier but they all were interrupted by the hurt cries that were coming from kai.

Jimin wasn't really angry at Kai, he didn't even has the time to react as everything went fast, so he just made his way to him getting on his knees so he can look at him in the eyes.

"Kai, what wrong?" Jimin asked softly grabbing kai's broad shoulders.

"He tried to kill you!? Why are you still acting that gentle toward him?" Jungkook asked enraged by the smaller's behavior.

"Why are you even here?" Jimin asked as he had enough from jungkook's shit.

"None_" Jungkook couldn't continue as youngi interrupted him finding jungkook's behavior extremely immature.

"It's just business jimin, we were... Burying a guy's body in here, actually , i was doing it but when i turned around i didn't find jungkook, so i came here when i heard some noises coming." Youngi says clarifying the situation but jungkook didn't seem pleased, he felt betrayed.

Jimin hummed after hearing youngi's wordsbut then he turned to a lifeless looking kai who abrutly grabbed his shoulders trembeling badly.

"Kai what's wrong?" Jimin asked even more concerned now as he saw the taller's state.

"P-please help him! PLEASE!" kai says as everyone was looking at him.

"Who? Kai tell me what happened? And i think you need to explain what happened too." Jimin says before hugging kai trying to calm him down so he can say what he has to say, and that seems to work. You may think that jungkook was affected by that or jealous, but no, he was just waiting for the drama to end only curious about the other's state, 'cause strangely he felt kinda responsible for kai, he wanted to help him, he won't know why even if you ask him, i guess he just felt familiar with the other as his features were like his...long lost brother, he thought about it but he shook the thought away now determined to help him.

Kai was calmer now so jimin pulled away from the hug nodding at him for encouragement. Kai then told them about everything from his kidnap to now ignoring of couse what happened before keeping the secret buried in his heart.

Jimin was hearing him out attentively as his heart was aching know that the older has taken all of the suffering alone, so he just hugged him.

"I'll do everything to help you don't worry" Jimin says softly.

"I'll help too" Jungkook says shortly a everyone looked at him shocked.

"Sorry what?" Jimin says getting angry again as he was trying to ignore his heart that told him that he misses jungkook so much.

"Are you deaf or what? I said i want to help too ji.mi.nie" He says smirking at the smaller who glared at him knowing that they have other important things to do, so he ignored him trying his best to act normal and to not think about the dark past he have.

"Okay then do you have any plan?" Jimin says as they were now in jungkook's car , him sitting in the front seat as jungkook was the driver, he was convincing himself that he did so just to discuss their plan.

"Of course i have one, i'm not you jimin." Jungkook says smirking at him throught the small mirror, jimin avoided the gaze as fast as he could to ask again " What is it then? You know we don't have anytime right?" .

Jungkook decided to just ignore him and started explaining his perfect plan knowing exactly what to do in such kind of situations.


I know that was short and shitty 💩 , i promise the next chapters will be better.

I know that was short and shitty 💩 , i promise the next chapters will be better

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Dom jeon vines though 😏.

Not edited~

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