the master

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"Omg dude, you're so weak. How could you not even handle this weight, this is miserable.

Try again and don t complain, you have a lot to do after this." Kai said to jimin making him roll his eyes.

It has been a year now since the last time jimin saw his brother, he has grown much stronger than before, either physically or mentally. But it wasn t enough yet.

Jimin and kai grew much closer during the year, since they re together much of their time, jimin was admiring kai, not romantically, but he felt like he has to be like him, or even better.

"You know how to use the gun, so now you have to shoot all of these moving targets without missing one, or else you re staying here all the night." Kai says strictly, he was of course jimin s friend, but work s work , and jimin has to be the best.

Jimin began shooting successfully at all of the twenty targets, he was fast and didn t seem like he puts too Much efforts in it.

"Okay, that s impressive, seems like you re  talented ." Kai says impressed by jimin s progress knowing that he couldn t even hold a gun properly in his first days , but now he s one of the best.

"I need a break, i m tired." Jimin says exhausted from all the activities he did today.

"Kay, but only for 15 minutes."

Jimin just nodded before going out, as he was going down the stairs, he met his best friend , taemin.

Taemin was the who was softest towards jimin all the time he was here, he was acting like his real brother, and jimin felt protected by having all these people who care about him, unlike his past self.

"Hyung! How was your day?"

"Ow! You re still training, kai must be harsh on you. But yeah, my day was fine, how was yours."

"Pretty good, i m having a break now, should we go and eat something?"

"Yeah sure, why not." Taemin says smiling at the shorter.

Taemin wasn t jimin s only friend, he had plenty of friends due to his lovely and cute attitude, he even had guys confessing to him but he just apologize for it and say that he s not interested .

Another year went like that, jimin had grew abs, he was unbeatable at everything, he was just perfect.

"I win! Omg, i finally did it!" Jimin says sheerfuly as he was giving a hand to kai for the taller to stand up , he can t believe that he did it finally, 'cause jimin was trying so hard to beat kai at self defense for all this time, but he never did, until now.

"Yeah! Congrats bro!" Kai says hugging jimin sideways.

"Now you can say that you re the strongest here, you re now our golden maknae!" Kai says messing with jimin hair 'cause as much as jimin ll be dangerous when he fights, he s still the cutest and kai can t help but cooing at him.

"But hyung! You haven t gave me news about jin hyung for a while now, is he okay?" Jimin asked worried.

"He s just fine, and he s taking you back anytime soon." Kai says seeming sad.

"Really? Jin hyung ll be here. But that means that i m going to see you again? "

"Yes jimin unless you.." Kai couldn t complete his sentence as he heard someone knocking the door of the training room.

"Sir." He gave him the military salute. "A guy named jin s waiting for you outside, should i let him come in?" The guys says not even looking at him.

"Speaking of the devil! Yeah of course let him in!"
Namjoon came hurriedly towards jin .
"Jin... Um.. I m sorry to tell you this, but, mr park s dead." He says expecting from jin to begin crying or to show pain, but what happened was the complete opposite.

"Good" Jin says coldly making the taller flinch.

Jin went out of the room leaving a shoked namjoon.

"What the actual fuck was that?!" Namjoon said to himself.

End of flashback~

Jin entered the room, and when jimin saw him, he just went towards him fast and jumped on him hugging him tightly.

"I miss you hyung." Jin just hugged the liitle boy back mumbling a 'me too'
"Well, heyyy i m here!" Kai says catching both of their attentions.

"Hey kai! What s popping?" Jin says putting jimin down and went to embrace kai.

"Nothing, but your brother has beaten the shit out of me minutes ago."

"What?! Jimin did that? Wow! " Jin says patting on the shorter s shoulders.

Jimin was so happy to see his brother again.
"Hyung why haven t you been visiting me ?" Jimin says interrupting his hyungs s conversation.

"Well, i guess it s time for you to know . Jimin our dad s dead not a long time ago, and now you ll take his place." Jimin was shoked at his hyung s words, his dad s dead.
"And mom?" Jimin asked not feeling sad at all.

"She s paralyzed, she can t move after she had a car accident, sorry for not telling you."
"No it s okay.... So now i m like the master?"
"Yes you are."

Jimin took some time thinking about it, he studied everything, and he knew that that way, he can funally do what he craved for two years now, jeon jungkook's head.

"So can kai be one of us, he s powerful and intelligent."

"If he wants too." Jin responded.
Of course kai knew what kind of work they talking about, and he decided to just go with them, he never liked his job anyway, and he has another reason, but i won t reveal it now.

So he just nodded at jimin s proposal making the smaller smile knowing that his superiors can t find him if he works for him, and even if they do, they could do nothing but letting him be.

"Let s go then!" Jin says.
Vote goal: 15 vote 🙃
Not edited 'cause i m lazy af 🖖
And thank you guys for all your sweet sweet coments, i love you so much.😍😘
Ps: i m still shook because of "IDOL" my boys nailed it, i m a proud mom 💜👌

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