abused little boy

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Jimin was crying , hugging his pillow, siting on his luxurious bed. He was broke again, he was bullied again. Maybe he s 19 years old, but he s still a child phisically and mentally . He s so sensitive, innocent and weak.

His parents don t have time for him, while his older brother, who hates him so much, will only mock him, so he prefers being on his own.

Jimin don t like his father s work, he knows it s illegal, but he s his father after all, so he had to just ignore it .

He is bullied almost everyday, and ends up sobbing like this, lonely and broke.
" Why am i the only one going through all of this!"

"All i want is a peaceful life."

Jimin says between sobs, with puffy eyes and red nose and cheeks. He stands up carefully to not touch the new bruises, to go to the bathroom .

When he finished showering, he looked at himself in the mirror. He was weak and he hated it. He felt tears at the corner of his eyes again, but he didn t want to cry.

Suddently,he felt the urge to sleep,he didn t think as he was sleeping in the bathtub with dry tears on his lovely sheeks.

A week later~

"So today we have a transferd student! Jungkook introduce yourself please" Said ms kim while she was smiling at a very tall boy beside her.

I can hear girls saying things like "OMG! He's so hot!" And "He s gonna be my boyfriend" And i just can t understand why. I mean,he s good looking . So what? This didn t made from him a god.

"Hi, i m jeon jungkook. Nice to meet y'all" He said with a pocker face and without even flinching. Is he a robot?

But that just increased the excitement of my classmates ,boys and girls. But for me. I was just thinking if he will bully me too .

"BE MY BOYFRIEND! "a girl yelled as all the class was laughing.

" Fuck off"he said short and nice just the way she deserves it. Jimin can t hold back his giggle as ms kim told jungkook to take a seat. So he sat behind me, i cannot take my eyes off him until he sat down....What? He s interesting after all.

School ends without being bullied, which is weird. Probably all of them are stalking that guy. Jimin chuckeld "poor things" He mumbeld before stepping out the school building.
"So he likes shity things" Jungkook mumbeled reading what s written on the paper changmin gave him .it was all about jimin.

"Just like him" He continued glaring at the wall like a psycho. "Star gazing, teddy bears, ice cream cakes, balloons, and he wants someone to love him" Said jungkook to himself before chukling "ridiculous".
" Leave me alone!....NO! PLEASE STOP!" Jimin yelled as jackson and his gang were beating the shit out of him.

He was just crying releasing loud sobs in the dark. It was night, and he just wanted to have inspiration for his next art project. But it didn t work, appearently ,cause he was about to pass out if someone doesn t interfer.

Jimin's POV

"Leave him alone"i heard a cold voice saying as i was laying on the grownd like a dead body with teary eyes.

I heard jackson laughing his ass out, and so his gang. But it was quikly replaced by a shoked and feary eyes.

I tried to look at my saver. WHAT! Did i just saw him holding a gun directed at jackson s head . Well shit! But why?that s the first time someone try to help me. I m happy,i think.

"Don t let me repeat it." He said glaring at them,"wow!chill. You can have him too." Jackson says trying to convince him. Then a gun shoot was heard, it makes my heart skip beats .
but it only hit the wall.

So jackson and his puppies escaped without saying more.'cowards'.i saw him then coming to my side, he picks me bridal style and he didn t know how much it makes my heart flutters ."you okay?"he says before i smile at him and passing out immediatly."tch so weak"jungkook mumbeled to himself,as he was getting in his car placing jimin in the back seat to go to the hospital.
"Again?!said the doctor seeing jimin for the nth time that mounth.

" Um...excuse me?" Jungkook said cluelessly."this is the 5th time he s coming here this month . But this is the worst." The doctor said examining jimin before releasing a sight of releaf.

"It 's okay, he don t have a broken bone nor a severe bruise,so he can go back home from tomorrow, don t worry."he said before taking care of jimin.'as if i do.'jungkook thought.

The next day, jimin went back to his "home", he remember it all .his scent, his voice. All of him was perfect. Jimin felt happy becouse that s the first time someone took care of him. And this one is jungkook. He was just grateful, and a bit, crushing on him.
Heyyy again!! Hope you enjoy😄

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