date ( part1)

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Jimin was having the best sleep in his whole life, because why not, he felt that he's loved for the first time, he was dreaming about his life with jungkook and how beautiful it could be, but a sensation made him unconfortable , he was cold, he felt like he was naked without a blanket or anything, so he woke up slowly while frowning , and after few seconds he remembered it all which caused him to blush madly at the memory, at first he thaught that he was dreaming, but all of it was real and he realised that after trying to stand up but he didn t succed because of the sharp pain he was feeling.

Believe it or not ,jimin have never played with that toy, so basically he was a pure virgin but not anymore because of jungkook.

He then smiled tenderly and his eyes became so small and cute, his shubby sheeks were flushed, and his heart felt warm, and all because of jeon jungkook.

He didn t regret any moment from last night he enjoyed it all, and he won t deny it if you say that he start to fall madly for jungkook. But little did he know that he s giving his heart to the one who ll break it into inreparable peaces .

So after having a warm shower, he heard his phone indicating that he have a message that was from none other than jeon jungkook.

And when jimin saw it, he felt his heart beating fast, a smile on his lips, "Oh my god! What s wrong with me~!" He says before giggling cutely putting his hand above his chest. He then opened the message in a hurry to find the sweetest message his eyes have ever seen.

From jungkook: Hey baby, i m sorry i wasn t able to wake up beside you, i just wanted to know if you re alright.

He texted faking his care , but this text was enough for jimin to make him jump in joy, so he immediatly changed jungkook s contact name to Future husband.

'Don t worry!! It hurts a little but it s alright, by the way i like the nickname.'

From Future husband: ooh! You mean 'baby'. If you like it i can call you that then.

'Yes please!!'

From Future husband : Okay then, baby~ . Would you like to go on a date with me?

Jimin have rereaded the text more than thousand times, he can t believe that he got jungkook to ask him for a date this quick so he gladly answered by " Of course i ll go " Trying his best not to sound soo desperate.

From Future husband: okay then, i ll pick you up after school on monday, is it okay for you?

'Yeah! Totally okay, see you there jungkook!'

From Future husband: see ya.

With that jimin layed on his newly coverd bed smiling widely, feeling refreshed by the shower and jungkook's words, he knew that he sounded so desperate while talking to him but he just couldn t help it. ' i like him' muttered jimin enjoying the butterflies feeling in his stomack , and so it was the best morning for him, and all thanks to jungkook.

After texting jimin, jungkook have called a fancy restaurant to reserve a private place for two people for dinner, we can say that he have a fine amounth of money to do that. He then called his bestfriend who knew all about him .

Phone call~

Jk: Hi

Bf: Aiiish! Can you like add a tone to your voice, you speek like a robot.

Jk: yeah yeah! You keep saying that.

Bf: whatever! You ve never called me, did something bad happened? Do you need my help?

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