come with me pt2

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This is a short chapter, but it's better than making you wait, this story will end soon, a nd it has a happy ending don't worry, so get prepared 'cause this chriss guy isn't better than jungkook when it comes to revenge 😏


"What do you want again..." Jimin sighed, " Aren't we just done with those things." Jimin says making jungkook's blood boil in anger.

"No we aren't, we'll never be. And it's not you who's saying when we're done, understood?" Jimim nodded at jungkook's words making the latter smile in satisfaction, 'cause jimin's behaving well, very well that it makes jungkook almost sure that jimin's his no matter what.

Jungkook went to an empty hallway where the lights were dim.

"Jungkook, minjung might need us right now..." But before jimin could continue, jungkook pulled him by his waist cornering him.

"What did you just say?" Jungkook says smirking at jimin's reaction who's eyes were full open at what jungkook is doing, but the smaller never let his hopes got high 'cause he knows what he actually is to jungkook.

Jungkook then has put both of his palms on jimin's cheeks feeling them, they were really soft, his jawline was perfect and it made jungkook sight in satisfaction.

Jungkook then looked at jimin's eyes that weren't expressing any kind of emotion, because he actually knows that he's nothing but a sextoy, nothing else .

"It's okay jimin shi, you are my sex toy, but you're my child's father after all." Jungkook says making jimin's eyes lit up. "Are you sure you mean that?" Jimin says but jungkook didn't waste a second he just leaned in capturing the smaller's lips.

It was a soft kiss before it turned to a rough one because of jimin who lost control, he started to swirl their tongues together as jimin's heart started melting at the perfect sensation.

He then started to touch jungkook's bulge feeling it, going from his balls to his length massaging it perfectly, making jungkook want more friction.

Jimin then got on his knees looking at jungkook in a submissive way before lowering jungkook's pants just a liitle bit so he can see his cock that sprang free after what jimin did making jungkook moan in relief.

Jimin then started to suck on jungkook's c*ck doing the role a lubricant knowing what's going to happen next.

The couple was too comfortable not knowing the two eyes watching them, it was chriss, he was watching them eyes red and teeth gritted, he felt so jealous that he could kill jungkook roght there, but he waited, being the patient guy he is, he was watching them through his screen.

"Nicki, " Chriss says as his servant reponded obediently.
"Yes your majesty."
"Call our FBI agents, the operation will be done right now, 'cause i can't wait. " Chriss says smirking to himself before hearing a positive answer from his servant.

"Jimin, you'll come with me."

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