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I m gonna say this for the last time, this book is written by a non english speaker+this is my first time writing a fanfic, so please ignore the grammar errors, if no, then just don't read the story.
Love y all😘😇, and thanks for your understanding.
let s go back to the story
Jimin lazily opened his eyes before feeling a very strong headache once he tried standing up ,so he went back to his laying position trying to ease the pain.

After gaining back his strenght, he opened his eyes completly to find himself in a dark room where he can t even see what s infront of him, which caused him a panick attack. So he hurried to find the door, touching blindly all the walls of the room.

"OPEN THE DOOR! PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR , I HAVE NYCTOPHOBIA (fear of darkness) " Jimin yelled knocking loudly at the door.

"So he woke up" Youngi says lazily to junghyun.

"Yeah, we should inform the master. I m calling him." The other says pulling his phone from his pocket .

"Sir, he s awake now..... As you wish master."

Jungkook was in his office smirking at what he's going to do to jimin . When he knew jimin had ignored his orders, he was quite angry to just bring jackson and his puppies to torture his little husband even more.

"So now, you re able to walk again, let s see if you ll be able to do so tomorrow." Jungkook said to himself.

Jimin was breathing heavily, he can t think of anything but going out of the dark room, he was sweating a lot. Then he heard a door opening and saw light coming through it, so he hurried toward the door thinking he ll escape all of this but what he found made him freeze feeling shivers run down his spine.

"Hey bitch! Missed us?" Jackson says amused by the smaller s reaction.

"GO AWAY!" jimin yelled before trying using all his strenght to close the door, but unfortunatly, jackson was strong enough to re-open the door by force to let his minions in.

"Don't hurt me, please!" Jimin says sitting down on the cold floor, hugging himself to feel protected.

But his act made jackson want to hurt him even more, so he just kicked and pushed him down the floor.

"Mark! Make him stay still for me." Jackson says as he began taking his pants off.
Jimin widdened his eyes, knowing perfectly what ll happen to him.

Jimin was pleading him to stop but he just continued abusing him, the smaller hasn t recover perfectly yet.

He was trying to bear the pain closing his eyes strongly as jackson was thrusting into him carelessly, he knew that there s no chance for him to escape.

Jackson came then told Mark that it s his turn.

Jimin heard it all so he widdened his eyes lookin at the door another time to see these familiar pair of eyes he fell in love with, jungkook was looking at him smirking.

"J-jungkook. Help" Jimin says in a very low voice but enough for jungkook to hear.
Jungkook didn t gave him an answer, instead, he was watching it all, until the last one who abused jimin.

He was feeling good looking at jimin painful expressions, he felt satisfied hearing him screaming and pleading.

Poor jiminie😭 .

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