nice kidnapper

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"No one moves FBI in here!" An fbi agent says after kicking the door open.

Jungkook and kai who were sitting in the living room that has a view on the front door lifted there hands up.

"Fuck this." Jungkook uttered as he knows exactly who can do this to him, actually he was expecting this to happen.

"No worries jungkook, i have a plan." Kai whispered to jungkook as the latter nodded not knowing what to do.

The fbi agents did their work and took them out of the house to a black car , as the others went up the stairs searching for jimin and the baby before they finally found them horrified of what's going on.


"Nicki, today's the day." Chriss says as he was lighting up some vanilla candles to welcome jimin in his new house.

"Let me do that your majesty." Nicki says as she didn't want her boss to do such a work.

"No no, i'm fine with it. I'm enjoying it ~" Chriss says before he heard someone knocking on his door, his eyes lit up as he knows who's coming, jimin and minjung .

The room was filled with vanilla scent as jimin enter it still fighting the bodyguards but without any result.

Chriss looked at jimin a big smile on his face as jimin didn't like the guy in any way.

"So you're the one who did that, jungkook's gonna make you regret, trust me ." Jimin says as he gritted his teeth out of anger.

"Welcome dolly, you're as pretty as i know you would be." Chriss says as he approaches jimin slowly before he's finally directly in front of him.

The room was filled with vanilla scent as chriss and jimin made a prolonged eye contact, but not in the same meaning.

"How do you know me?" Jimin asked sternly.
"Ow, tsk tsk don't you remember me? I'm your dad's friend." Chriss responded.
"My dad doesn't have friends." Jimin says confident as if he wasn't even kidnapped.
"Well, let's say his partner then, trust me jimin i loved you from the first time i saw you, i've been waiting for this day for too long."


"Let me go you peace of sh*t!" Jungkook yelled as the agents were going through the hallway of a really big and well equipped mansion.

"I swear you're dead meat if i ever put my hands on you." Jungkook uelled still struggling.

They then arrived to a well secured room, its door was made out of pure heavy metal that makes impossible to just break it.

The door opened suddenly and they threw him in there so the door closed automatically.


" Why have you done this?" Jimin asked
"Isn't it obvious? I did it because i love you, and because that f*cker wasn't treating you well! But don't worry , my men will show him his place, really well." Chriss says sincerely as he yook jimin's petite hands in his big ones.
Jimin then decided to play smart, 'cause this guy can hurt jungkook if he wants to, and that's the last thing jimin wants.
"Okay then, i'll stay with you me and minjung, but in return, you shouldn't hurt jungkook in any way, okay?" Jimin said trying to convince him.
"Okay then let's do this." Chriss says." So let me show you your room. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, so you'll have your own room you and your baby."
"Okay thank you." Jimin says as he was shocked of how nice his kidnapper was.

Jimin then went to his room as Chriss dialed a number and called one of his men.

"Hello sir, what can i do for your majesty?"

"Make that b*tch regret his life,beat the sh*t out of him and film him and make him see it so his ego will lower a little bit." Chriss says .


This story will end soon 😢 , will you miss it?

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