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POV Jimin:

I was siting beside the window as always when i saw jungkook coming my way. I tensed up,i didn t know why.

He sat beside me not breaking our eye contact which makes me shy as i lowerd my face looking at the desk in front of me. But i still can feel his gaze on me. He can make me faint using only his eyes. They re amazing and they're looking at me.

POV Jungkook
Here he is. This lonely shit. He s looking even uglier with those bruises all over his fat face.i can t wait till i torture him mercilessly, that will be exciting. I looked at him , then i approched him.
He s blushing? Already?well that was easy.


"How have you been" Jungkook said smirking at the small being beside him.

Jimin was about to lose his shit but he tried to response "i m okay. Th-thank you j-jungkook,for yesterday, you re amazing."

Jungkook smiled mumbeling a "nevermind" Before the teacher came.

When jimin looked around, he saw all the girls in his class glaring at him,with eyes full of jealousy. Which creeps jimin out so he just looked straight in front of him.

Jimin s POV:

I can feel his gaze. And i swear this is driving me crazy. Why would the perfect jeon jungkook be interested in me. I m nothing but a useless shit.

"You'll work on some projects , so i want each one of you to choose his or her partner." The teacher says before I could feel a hand on my waist,i gasped in surprise but quickly recover by smiling.

"let s do this together "i felt shivers run down my spine as jungkook whispered his words close to my ear, that made me blush so hard but nodded anyways.

" Yeah, let s do our best!kookie" I widdened my eyes shoked by my own word, from where on earth did this nickname came from. and it was at this moment when i knew, i fucked up, cause i saw jungkook galring at me for one second which made my heart skip a beat,i was scared, but then he smiled saying "yeah!you can call me that."

I am shocked,and releafed at the same time, the cold jungkook let me call him by a nickname.' Probably he likes me.' But i cringed at my though cause jeon jungkook will only be interested in a perfect human like him , not me. That though hurts me, but this is reality.

The teacher came across every table and put a paper on it which contains the subject of the project.

Atr's POV:

"what the hell is that." Jimin said with widdened eyes looking at the paper cluelessly.

"Well i can come to your house so we can prepare it." Jungkook said .

'OMG! JUNGKOOK WILL CoME TO MY HOUSE!' Jimin screamed internally but responded by a small nod mumbeling a weak "okay".

'That s my chance' jungkook thought smirking.

"Give me your phone number so i can contact you' jungkook said pulling his phone out from his pocket.

" Sure" Jimin said without making eye contact with jungkook before tapping his number with trembling fingers that didn t escape from jungkook eyes making him smirk.
Jimin's POV:

The bell ringed finally, it was lunch, so i got up walking to the library where no one can bully me...probs.

But unfortunatly, on my way, i saw jackson coming glaring at me, my knees went weak, but before he reached me , i felt i hand on my shoulder and a presence beside me . It was jungkook.

"Let s have lunch together. Okay?" He said smiling, "sure" I said shyly looking at jackson who just passed me without talking. Which makes me want to kiss jungkook....wait,what? ....nevermind.

Me and jungkook were siting eating and talking 'bout all and nothing. I was happy before a couple of bitches came toward us "jungkook oppa!" Said the first bitch.

I heard jungkook sighting not giving her any reaction. "You re ignoring me. But i like it."

She said putting her hand on jungkook s shoulders. "You re looking hotter when you don t give me attention", she said pushing the table to my side and sitting on jungkook s lap.

I widdened my eyes looking at both of them, but what is surprising me more is that jungkook is letting her be.

" You look tired, let me massage your muscles, i m good at this." Said the bitch number two.

That s it, i can t take it any more, so i got up from my chair and pushed the freak that was sitting on jungkook shoving it away before pulling jungkook to an exit. He was submissing to my pull which made me satisfied , but this doesn t supress my madness. We were at the alley now and i was at the edge of crying.

POV Jungkook:

Just like what i expected, he gave the reaction i wanted him to, so i m on a good way. We were in the alley and i saw his eyes going teary. He s also a crybaby ?what a freak.

"That bitch was obviously harming you. And you were just there enjoying it!" Jimin said with a high pitched voice immediatly regreting it thinking that it wasn t even his business.

"So what?why do you care?" Jungkook said smirking approching jimin till the smaller one was pressed to the wall.

"I it s n-n not that i care, i i was...just trying to DEFEND YOU. Yeah, of course .it s not that was jaleous or something. Nope.." Jimin stuttered awkwardly smiling.

"Sure you werent?" Jungkook said teasingly looking at the blushing human in front of him, so before jimin could say anything, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch time.

And jimin being the clumsy nerd he is, pushed jungkook before hurrying to his class. 'Woof!that was close' he said smiling 'i almost farted in front of him'.

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