Birthday (part 2)

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Jimin POV:

We were chating me and grandpa before grandma stands in front of us walking like a model . She s really beautiful regardless of her age.

"Wow!you re beautiful grandma! " I say in awe. I looked at my grandpa who were looking at her with a surprised look before i become a laughing mess.

"Told you! You liked your present. A looot."

"Okay now. Jimin , i want you to bring me some groceries. Okay hon~?

" Anything for you, beautiful" I said before standing up and heading to the grocerie store which was really close to my grandparents house.

Grandma POV:

"So he s gone let's get this ready quick." I said once jimin was out.

"Hay hay captain!" Mark said (the grandpa)
What a stupid man, i wonder why i love him.

I m always arguing with him but that s my way of showing my love toward him and he knows this.

"We only have 20 minutes " I said pulling a box full of decoration which was under the table.

It s my baby s bithday after all.
We decorated the whole room with a really sweet and multicolored decoration, and i pulled the homemade cake and cookies (jimin s favourites) from the fridge before setteling them on a red plate .

"Are you doin oka_?"I tried to say but a " Boom"sound interrupted me. So i turned my head quickly seeying that the big baby i have in my house popped a balloon and he s now standing shoked with a pale head.

"omg! Do i have to do it all by myself" I said before starting to do the balloons which form the letters.

But thanks to his clumsy ass we don t have the "P"any more.

So everything' s done.
"Dim all the lights in the house except the lights in this room so jimin can only see it and come to us so we can surprise him."

"Okay sir.. I mean ma'am" He says trying to be funny but he fails and he knows cause i glared at him so he hurried to do what i told him to.

Jimin POV:

I bought what grandma told and head back to her house.

Once i entered i felt something weird and scary at the same time , so i went to the lightening room with shaky hands and dry mouth 'what if a serial killer entered their house and killed them'.

Once i had put my first foot inside a loud "bang"sound was heard before i saw grandpa and grandma screaming " Happy birthday " .

I was really surprised, and at the edge of crying. They did all of this just for me. I really love them.

I hugged grandma tightly crying happily, and i did the same to grandpa . "Thank you so much. " I said hugging them."no worries" Grandpa said as grandma was smiling while she was kissing my tears away.

'I wich jungkook was here' jimin thought shyly.

Meanwhile, jungkook was laying on his bed looking at the roof without flinching as a single tear rolled down his sheeks, but then he smiled tasting the salty tear, actually enjoying his pain.

But then ,suddenly he went all angry so he punched the wall several times with all of strenght.'it s okay jungkook, you ll kill him soon' he said smiling as his tears slide down his sheeks continuously.

"By grandpa! By grandma! Good night!" Jimin said as he was walking out of the house.

"By jiminie! Take care! We love you!" Grandma says as grandpa waved his hand, i smiled at them and walked away.

It was nearly night, so i hurried to my 'home'.
When i arrived i saw 'mom' discussing something with 'dad' without noticing me.

"Hy mom! Hy dad!" I say trying to sound sheerful pulling the fakest smile i have.

They stared at me for a while before mom came toward me pulling me toward her luxurious car where dad was sitting too.

I was clueless right there. As i entered the car, i sat in front of dad as mom sat beside him.

"Jimin we need to talk" Mom says with a serious face.

"I m listening" I said disappointed, i mean they didn t remember my birthday. It wasn t the first time. But it still hurts.

"Take this." Dad says looking at me straight in the eyes giving me a small black thing.

"What is this? " I said confused.

"It contains our mafia's information. It s really important so dont lose it." Dad said with his deep voice.

"Dad! You know that i don t want to be the same as you! I want to have a normal job! A fucking normal life!!" I said angrily .

"Park jimin !don t shout or i ll kill you right here." He said calmly but sternly as i gulped feeling fear."i warned you" .

"And do you know why we decided to give you an important thing like this" Mom said looking at my soul.

"No. Why?" I said fearfully.

"Your dad have a dangerous kind of cancer. And if his enemies know this they ll atack us and kill us." At this time i feel like i ve swollowed my tongue.

My dad will die! I know he s not a good person, but he s still my dad.

"And why not my brother?" I said with tears in my eyes.

"We all know that your brother only wants his own good so he will sail our informations to the enemies and that s the last thing we want to happen." Dad says.

"And will you be alright ?" I say crying.

"No. And don t cry in front of me . I hate weak people ." Dad said glaring at me so i stoped crying and say that i would go the my room .

I went crying passing by the maids who stare at me after bowing.

I entered my room. And the first thing i did is to hide the black thingy in a box which has a code to open it. I hide there all of my precious things.
Meh! Here s another update to feed my babies😌
I just want to say that the next update will have some *cought* a *another cought* a smut in it.

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